Condensed Post

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My life is really starting to get crazy lately.  Not sure where it’s all coming from, but I can barely keep up with it!  So, this post is not really a post at all, more like a drive-by to ensure that everyone knows I haven’t fallen off the face of the earth.

I will post more details as soon as I can but for now, I can report that I ran six miles yesterday (Saturday), and it was a really great run.  I started at 6:45am and it was horribly hot and humid even that early, but somehow, I managed to knock 40 seconds per minute off the pace of my two previous six-mile runs (one of which was my 10k race last month)!!  I was really excited about that, needless to say. 😀  I have my second 10k this coming Saturday, and the weather is supposed to be cool, so I’m really excited about possibly creating a new 10k PR…and hopefully not being near the last of the pack this time. 😛

In other news, my sons have both been running to get ready for their half-mile fun run at my race on Saturday.  Both boys are doing so well and I’m so proud of them. DS#1 ran a full mile without breaks on Friday, and DS#2 ran a half mile with only one short break today.  Those are great results for both of them!  They were both very tired when they were done, but both also had huge smiles on their faces even as they were collapsing on the ground in exhaustion. 😉  DS#1 has agreed to do a 5k with me this fall, so that’s very exciting for us both.

The other thing that has kept me busy is lots and lots of pictures all of a sudden.  I’ve had several events where I have taken pictures, and the processing has kept me up late for several nights.  I will give more info on these fun events later (hopefully!), but in the meantime, here’s a funny picture from one of the events for you to ponder. 😉

I am so exhausted I’m about to pass out on my keyboard, so I will try to catch up with everyone another day.  Thanks so much for stopping by to read my blog!

4 thoughts on “Condensed Post

  1. Angela

    Quote: “here’s a funny picture from one of the events for you to ponder.”

    I’ve got it!! Two words… TIME TRAVEL!!!

    1. steph Post author

      Ha ha ha! That’s awesome! But no, not quite. 😉 I will hopefully be able to put up a photography post soon with more pictures AND an explanation. Thanks for reading!!


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