A Good Run

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Yesterday morning, I got up at 5am to attempt a 3-mile run before work. I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but I’ve really missed my 5am runs! 😉 But once again, I’m more convinced than ever that I’m a “real” runner.

I started out at about a 10:30 pace, trying to keep it easy. I felt a bit of tightness, but nothing too alarming, but then, right at the 2/3 mile mark, I felt a pull and it hurt. I panicked and stopped the treadmill right away. I did the IT band stretch that was among the stretches given to me by original doctor. I can’t seem to find any photos of it online, so I had my son take a quick shot of me doing it:

Basically, you cross one leg in front of the other leg and lean over to stretch the IT band in the leg that you didn’t cross. I actually find it to be a really good stretch, and I plan to add it to my pre-run routine even after my IT band is healed. (Like that positive attitude? Not if…when!)

After doing the stretch, I started again, figuring I wouldn’t last long but I’d give it a go until it started to hurt badly. To my astonishment, I found that after the first 30 seconds, my knee felt great. Not just good, but great—like there had never been any problem! Of course, it didn’t last very long, but for a few moments, it felt so good! It was nice to have that pre-injury feeling, even if only for a little while.

The good news is, though I did eventually get back to that post-injury “tightness,” it never actually hurt, and I was able to finish the three miles and still feel pretty good when it was over. When I was done, I slowed the treadmill down and walked for a few minutes before heading back into the house and getting ready for my day.

When it was over, I realized I actually had a pretty good run.

My pace and splits were decent, but more importantly, I felt great. It’s been so long since I felt like I’d gotten any real exercise, and when it was over, I was invigorated and energized…like a runner again!

Today my knee continued to feel good with only slight twinges during the day (I think sitting at my desk all day isn’t ideal, because that seems to be when it hurts the most). I did strength training tonight (in the cold barn…yesterday it was 79, today it was 42!!) and I plan to try another run tomorrow afternoon, after hockey, baseball, and a birthday party. Wish me luck!

Meanwhile, please also think some good thoughts for my DS#1, who, because he is an 11-year-old boy, decided to mess around under the bleachers after baseball practice today and ended up conking his head pretty hard. Hard enough to cause a pretty good cut. 🙁 I came home to find him with gauze on his head and blood in his hair! It isn’t pretty to look at, but my husband (a paramedic, by the way) assures me that he’s fine and it will heal up without needing stitches. Still, I’m a mom and I worry! My son, however, is taking it in stride…he feels good enough to play Star Wars on the computer, so I guess he’s not doing too badly.

Do you like how he has the headset holding the gauze in place? 😛

I’ll keep you all updated on both of the injured parties in our house. 😉 Thanks for reading!

4 thoughts on “A Good Run

    1. steph Post author

      Thanks, Angie! His head is doing better, but then he went and did another dumb thing…! 😉 I’ll write about that later! Thanks for stopping by!


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