Quick Check-In

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Just a quick check-in so that I can get back to all my projects. 🙂 I’ll cut right to the chase: here is my weigh-in for this week.


Down .6, which is ironic. Over the last four weeks, I’ve pretty much gained and lost the same 6/10 of a pound. 😛  


Not ideal, obviously, but it’s better than gaining 5 pounds. I’ve sabotaged myself a little the last couple of weeks with my Monday weigh-in. Last weekend, it was cake for JJ’s birthday, and this weekend it was the annual temptation:


I was actually doing pretty well on my points before yesterday, thanks to the 11 miles I ran on Saturday.  That earned me 21 Fit Points, plus a few extra points for my bike ride.  (Yes, I was very tired Saturday night.) 

With all those extra points, I was in the black when I woke up yesterday, that is until I went to the mall to buy Jamie a shirt before JJ’s hockey game yesterday. Those damn Girl Scouts are so sophisticated these days, they have a kiosk at the mall!! 😮 I had three Thin Mints and two Samoas, and I was very proud of myself for tracking them.  I don’t think they helped my cause, though, and therefore my weight loss was not as good as I was hoping. Oh well, such are life’s challenges when you’re trying to lose weight.  If you’re curious, here is my charting of leftover Smart Points versus left over calories. 


Lots left over on Saturday, but I guess I made up for it on Sunday. :/

On the bright side, I got up this morning and did my speed work a day early. I noticed that the forecast called for rain tomorrow morning at about the time I would be running, and if there’s anything I hate more than speed work, it’s speed work in the rain. 😛 So even though I didn’t get as much sleep as I would’ve liked, I went out and did five 4-minute “hard” intervals (8:00-8:37) with two-minute recovery breaks in between. I picked a good day, as it turns out, because when I woke up there was zero wind…that is extremely rare out where I live! I started out pretty strong, but I discovered that four minutes is an eternity when you’re running hard. 😉 My first few were pretty good, but my last one was barely in zone. I was definitely a tired girl by that point! 


That’s going to have to be it for this post. I always like to add a pretty picture to a post, since photography is one of the main topics of my blog (the rest being running, weight loss, and my kids’ hockey…not necessarily in that order!). I didn’t have a chance to take any pretty pictures last week, so I’ll cheat and use one that I took back when it was actually cold here in Michigan. 


I remember that it was very cold the day I took those pictures, but it seems like a distant memory right now. (We’ve had a ridiculously crazy warm spell, with two record high temperature days in a row!) I suspect winter will make a return soon enough, but for now, and warmer temperatures have been very welcome! 

Have a great week!

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