Big Day

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Yesterday was a pretty big day for me.  I don’t think I’ve mentioned it, but back in early June, I actually reached Lifetime Membership status “officially” at Weight Watchers.

Lifetime comes after six weeks of staying at or below goal.  I had to attend once a week for six weeks, and with my work schedule and my kids’ sports schedules, that was difficult.  Usually, I just weighed in quickly and then left, which is what happened when I reached Lifetime status—I had to leave for a baseball game!  I said I would come back to do the “real” presentation, and last night was the night.

My poor kids deserve a medal for waiting so patiently through the entire meeting.  The leader didn’t even get to the presentation of achievements until 20 minutes in.  When she finally got to my award, she prefaced it by explaining Lifetime Membership to the newbies, and then she introduced me.  I’m not sure if she expected me to jump up and hug her, and I know she didn’t expect me to ask for a picture with her, but that’s what I did, lol. 😉 She was my original leader when I started my journey 12 years ago, and it was a special moment to have her present me with my Lifetime Membership stuff.

DS#1 did a darn good job taking pictures. Several of the members commented not only how well-behaved my boys were, but on how nice it was that I had my own little “personal photographer.”  😉



She asked me a few questions about how much weight I lost and how I did it.  I was really surprised at just how good it felt to stand up there and give my story.  I saw a lot of smiles as I was telling them about my success, and then I got more than a few surprised looks when I told them I was now running and was doing in a 10k in less than two weeks!

One of my coworkers asked me if I got the feeling that some of them were jealous.  I said I didn’t think so…maybe they were and I just didn’t see it, but everyone there was very kind and they applauded me a couple of times.  I suspect they all just hope they can someday be the one standing up there, telling their story and getting a stupid little gold-toned key made in China. 😛



The meetings were pretty much as I remembered…you talk about your successes, gripe about your struggles, and the leader tells you to follow the program. 😉   Most of the time, when I hear folks complain about how hard it is to lose weight, such as at the meetings, I empathize.  Dude, I have been there. I know that it’s different for each person and everyone has to find their own “reason,” the moment when they stop whining and start doing.  I found mine, and I can only encourage others to find theirs.  But yesterday at work, I had a moment when I lost all empathy.

A former coworker who now works for a sister company came for a visit.  Each time she has seen me in the last few months, she has commented on my weight, usually very effusively, almost to the point of embarrassment.  Yesterday, though, she complimented me on how great I looked, and then she added, “It’s not fair!”

When I heard that, it took everything I had not to turn around and say, “What’s not fair about me working my ass off and reaping the benefits of all that effort??” But, I know she didn’t mean anything by it, and she was just projecting some of her own frustrations with weight loss, so I just let it go.  But boy, for a minute, I was ready to go all “Jillian Michaels” on her. 😉

Speaking of working my ass off, I am trying really hard to stick with the full Hal Higdon 10k training program, cross-training and all.  However, when I got home yesterday, I just did not feel like riding my bike—it was 93 degrees! But then I realized I have a great cross-training venue right in my backyard—my pool!  I was a bit hesitant at first, but once I got over my hang-up of getting my hair wet (long story), I really had a lot of fun.



DS#1 had fun taking pictures of me.  He loves using the “action mode” setting on the camera.



I’m pretty sure this kid is going to grow up to be a professional photographer and far surpass my skills!

I got up and ran this morning, despite the fact that it was 72 degrees (forecast to be 100!).  With that kind of weather, I didn’t bother to try for any kind of record…I just ran pretty steady without going crazy.  Here’s how it shook out:




When I first came in and plugged in the Garmin, I was confused: my “pace” was something like 5.2 mph! It took me a minute to realize I’d forgotten to change the sports mode to running after my bike ride Tuesday. D’oh! I was really ticked at myself, but luckily, the Garmin software is smarter than me, and once I changed the mode to running online, it recalculated everything.  Phew!!

After I finished my run, I took a 10-minute break, and then I did my required strength training for 20 minutes.  Two miles run and 20 minutes of strength training—all before 7am.  Go me!  I did it because I knew I wouldn’t feel like doing any exercising when I got home from work, and I was right! Instead, I spent an hour in the pool, reading and soaking up some rays.

Tomorrow is rest day and then—five and a half miles! *gulp* Supposed to be hot—wish me luck!!

Thanks for reading!!

4 thoughts on “Big Day

  1. andrea

    Congratulations! !!!! Hard work does pay off for sure. I love reading your blog post you do such a great job describing things with words and pictures. And I loved how you wanted to go all jillian Michael’s. On her!!!!! Great cross trading idea, swimming is truly a great workout. I just wish I liked it more. 5.5 miles! Awesome. Stay hydrated and enjoy it. You will do great.

    1. steph Post author

      Thanks, Andrea!! I look to you for motivation–you are amazing!! Thanks so much for all your support! xoxo

  2. Jenn

    Congrats on making it through your 6 weeks maintenance, Steph. I am so proud of you. I had a bit of a set back last week (gained a pound) and this week, I was in Miami for work which was a struggle. We will see what the damage is on Tuesday (still have to get through 3.5 more days and I am already over). I keep insisting on tracking as best I can and holding myself accountable even if it is ugly. On the upside I bought a new swimsuit. I wasn’t ready for a 2 piece, but I got a one piece in a size 10. Love you and miss you!


    1. steph Post author

      A size 10?! Jenn that is AWESOME!!! When do I get to see pictures of the new you?? 🙂

      Congratulations on your wonderful accomplishment–you are almost there. I know you can do it!!


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