Motivation, Thy Name is Weigh-In

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I have been really lazy this week. Okay, technically, I have been recuperating, but honestly, that’s just lazy spelled with more letters. 😛

As I mentioned in a previous post, I injured either a ligament or tendon in my leg last week. And it wasn’t like I did it while running–it happened when I was at the hockey rink?!  Ha, my very own hockey injury. 😉  All jokes aside, it hurt pretty bad on Saturday and Monday, so I decided Monday, after my painful run, that I would absolutely take a break from exercise to let it heal.  I have a 10k planned for August 11, and I don’t want to mess that up!

So for the last three days, I have done absolutely no exercise. And I can’t deny that I have felt like a total sloth for these last three days. 😛 It was hard not to do any exercise, but I knew it would be good for me in the long run.  I was so intent on recuperating, in fact, that I actually wore my tennis shoes all week at work. I normally wear slacks and heels, so for me to wear tennis shoes with my dressy outfit was pretty out-of-the-ordinary. (I am actually surprised that no one commented all week–not even my boss!)

A couple of days ago, I got an email from Weight Watchers, politely reminding me that I was getting close to the end of my free eTools period, and if I didn’t want to see a surprise charge on my credit card, I needed to get my ass into a meeting and get weighed. (Within 2 pounds of my goal.)  I decided that today was a good day to do it, so I stopped on the way to taking the kids to Vacation Bible School and let the lovely Weight Watchers ladies weigh me.  Turns out, I was in for quite a surprise!

If anything is worth a “WTF,” that was it!  Initially, I could not believe it when she told me I had gained 3.2 pounds since my last weigh-in. *thud*  I was actually rather horrified.  I mean, I had just weighed in at my lowest weight EVER on Monday!!  Again–WTF?!

But then I calmed down some, and I remembered that it’s just a number, on a scale that is imperfect, and the truth is, one bad weigh-in does not a backslide make.  I know I have been faithful to the program, and I have been exercising regularly.  I have been running three times a week, for heaven’s sake!

Yes, this particular week, I have slacked off on the exercise, and I may or may not have finished off the zucchini bread last night, but it’s just a single day.  Tomorrow, I could lose 2 of those three pounds without doing anything.  I am a firm believer in weighing yourself regularly, but only periodically (once a week for me), for this exact reason.  Your weight can fluctuate wildly on a day-by-day basis, so it is in your best interest to not get hung up on the number on the scale.

Now, with all that said…I will confess that I did feel the motivation to do both strength training and a bike ride this evening. 😉  I probably should have been doing at least the bike riding for the last few days, but I’ve been lazy busy.  I’m back on the wagon now, though. 😉

So that’s it.  Possibly my shortest post ever. 😀  I’m really at a loss for words because I just haven’t done anything this week.  😛 I’m going to take tomorrow as yet another day of rest (my normal DOR) and get up bright and early for what I hope will be a good 5-mile run on Saturday before a very busy day that includes the wedding for which I bought this dress.  I’m really looking forward to finally being able to wear it!

Thanks for reading!

4 thoughts on “Motivation, Thy Name is Weigh-In

  1. Jenn

    I can totally relate, Steph. I was doing a challenge at the gym where we were to maintain out weight over the holidays. I would lose weight when I weighed in for WW, but I was gaining weight when I weighed in at the gym. I was so frustrated I quit the challenge and focused on the WW number. Just remind yourself that you are in it for the long haul and regroup and refocus. Hang in there and I hope that you get rewarded with a drop next week.

  2. Mark

    I don’t know that I agree recuperating is lazy. You do need time off to heal at times. I took a week off after Tough Mudder. That means I’m training differently than I thought I would be for my half in 5 weeks, but I feel stronger as a result.

    Get back out there and run again when you feel like you’ve healed, but don’t forget to take some time off in the future as needed.

    1. steph Post author

      I know you’re right, but I just hate that feeling of knowing I SHOULD run. 😉

      I am definitely taking a break after the 10k, though!


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