Duckling Dash Race Report

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I am excited to report that my two boys, ages 10 and 6, participated in their first race last weekend at the same event where I ran a 10k.  You can read about my race experience here, but I felt like theirs was special enough that they deserved their own race report. 🙂

This race was a free race called “Duckling Dash,” and it was half a mile.  Truthfully, half a mile wasn’t a big deal for my oldest (aged 10), but for DS#2, who is only 6, running a half-mile without stopping is a pretty big deal.  So, the night before the race, we “carb-loaded” as a family with my mostaccoli, my husband’s famous meatballs (they are sooo good), and bruschetta caprese with tomatoes from our garden.

When we arrived at the race Saturday morning, despite the rain, both boys were excited and ready.  They lined up for their dash, about 20 minutes before the 10k start time and when they announced the start, both took off!

Although I knew DS#1 (aged 10) would have no issues completing the race, I was a bit nervous about my 6-year-old. In our training over the last few weeks, it had been a real struggle to get him to complete an entire half-mile without walking at least part, and I wasn’t sure if he’d do the whole thing or give up half-way.  I waited impatiently, and when the first finisher came across, I looked for my two.  DS#1 wasn’t long behind…

For his first-ever run, he did great!  I was proud of him for finishing in the first wave.  He got a medal for finishing.

Then we waited for DS#2.  It was quite a bit longer before he crossed the finish line, but finally we saw him coming around the bend.

He was running full force, and when he crossed the finish line, he looked tired but happy.


I was so proud to learn he ran the whole way!  When it was over, both my boys were all smiles with their medals and suckers.

Who doesn’t love a sucker at 9am? 😉

Two of my friend Jessica’s sons also ran the Duckling Dash (and did quite well—one of her boys finished first!).  After we were all done with our races for the day, Jess and I got a picture together with our “racing” boys.

Jessica and I talked afterwards about how, as much as we love running, we also love that our kids are excited about it, too!

Just for fun, I decided that since this is their race report, I should give some insight into how they felt about their first race.  Below is my interview of both kids.  Please try to remember they are 10 and 6, and boys to boot, so their conversational skills are not overly impressive. 😉

DS#1 (aged 10)

How did you feel about the race overall?

I felt pretty good.

How did you feel about your time for the race?

I felt that I did a lot better than I usually would.

Do you feel it was easier or harder than you expected?

Honestly, a little bit easier. The length was easier than I expected.

How did you feel about running with other people (kids)?

That was harder because if I needed to go ahead, I had to curve around a bunch of people.

What did you enjoy most about the race?

My time. [About 4:20 is what he thinks; I forgot to look!]

What did you like least about the race?

It was wet and there was dew on the grass near the finish line.

What would you do differently for your next race?

I would try to start more toward the middle, because I wouldn’t want a bunch of people to have to go around me, but I also don’t want to go around all the kids who were slower than me.

Will you do another race?


Would it be longer or the same?

Longer. I would like to do a 5k in the next one or two months.


DS#2 (aged 6)

How did you feel about the race overall?


How did you feel about your time for the race?

Good.  I ran as fast as I could.

Do you feel it was easier or harder than you expected?

A little hard. Very tiring.

How did you feel about running with other people (kids)?

It was good.

What did you enjoy most about the race?

Good. I ran as fast as I could. [No, I didn’t copy that from the above question by mistake. That’s what he said. 😉 ]

What did you like least about the race?

My brother beating me.

What would you do differently for your next race?

[after some probing questions] I would train more. I would still start in the back.

Would you do another one?


Farther or the same?

The same.


13 thoughts on “Duckling Dash Race Report

    1. steph Post author

      Thanks, Bailey. My oldest is really starting to enjoy the feeling of accomplishment he gets from running, I think. He rarely says no when I suggest we do a run. 🙂

  1. Marcia

    Our boys are about the same age (mine are 9 and 5) and your boys’ answers sound like what I imagine my boys would have said. My oldest is a sprinter, my youngest isn’t, but he tries – and is very discouraged that his big brother beats him all the time.

  2. Tonia

    That is GREAT Steph!! You didn’t mention to me that the boys were running that weekend 🙁 I am so glad they both enjoyed their first offical run!!


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