Catching Up and Slowing Down

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Hello!  I’m back!  I’ve taken a week off from blogging because I’ve had a lot going on, both at work and at home.

We had a conference last week that we hosted, which took up a great deal of my time.  But then, on top of that, my coworker (the only other person in my department besides me) gave her two week’s notice a week ago last Monday.  So that means I’m going to be the sole person in the department until we find a replacement.  *gulp* We’ve been working on job transfer, so I’m getting an idea of what’s in store for me for the near future…and I’m not real excited about it. 😛

At home, we are in the last few days before my boys’ school auction.  I was in charge of this auction the previous three years, which was an immense amount of work (and I was also managing two hockey teams during that third year!).  This year, thankfully, I’m only in charge of two things: dinner tickets and advertising.  I’m doing my best to help out the two new chairpeople, though, so besides filling all these last-minute ticket orders (Order deadline? What’s that??), I’m answering questions and trying to be available.  I’ll also be helping out quite a bit the day before the auction and during the auction itself.  It’s plenty to do, but no matter how much work it is, it’s less work than running it, lol!

Speaking of running, don’t fret—I’m still running and counting Weight Watcher points!  I will admit to gaining 2 pounds this week, however, I had been on a steady losing streak in the weeks leading up to the marathon relay, so I’m really not concerned about it.  I was actually only about 4 pounds from the low-range of my WW goal weight, so gaining a couple wasn’t too awful.  I enjoyed some homemade bread this weekend for sure! 😉

I’m hopeful that I’ll get a chance to slow down after the auction and after I get acclimated to my additional duties at work.  I’m hopeful that there will be plenty of chances to cozy up on the couch and catch up on the hours of TV that I have on the DVR (and that’s for just three shows!). Winter is pretty much upon us here in Michigan—bah! Our normal high this time of year is 57, but tonight while I take my kids out to trick or treat, it’ll be a delightful 40 degrees with the windy remnants of Sandy blowing us around.  I won’t be trick-or-treating in my mom’s neighborhood as planned…DS#1 wanted to go out with a school friend, so we’ll be joining their family.  Hopefully it’ll be fun!

I want to keep this post short so I can actually get it posted, so I will just include one picture…here is DS#2 at his game on Sunday, where not only did his team win in exciting fashion (winning goal scored with 27 seconds left!), but DS#2 had his first-ever assist—on the game-winning goal!  Here he is, looking as intense as he always does.

Love that kid. 🙂

I’m going to slow down on the posting for a bit since it’s auction weekend, but I hope that I can use some of my free time to catch up on blogs.  I have lots to enjoy!  DS#1 has a game in Lansing on Saturday, so hopefully I can enjoy some down-time and get some reading done!

Thanks so much for following my blog!

10 thoughts on “Catching Up and Slowing Down

  1. Cindy

    You are certainly entitled to some down-time, you being the busiest person I know! Enjoy reading about the goings-on and I too love the intensity of DS#2!!!!

  2. Bailey @ Onederland or Bust!

    I understand wanting to take a break from blogging. Last week was a struggle for me to write my posts because I wasn’t really feeling it and you sound pretty busy!
    I actually just signed up for 3 months of WW online and I’m going to start tracking tomorrow. I hope it helps me this time around 🙂

  3. Jenn

    You are one busy lady, Steph. Congrats on DS#2’s goal, that is so awesome. Give him a high-five from me. Postive energy headed your way on the auction and for tackling all your work assignments. Keep up the running (just think, if it gets to be too much, you can RUN AWAY!) and the tracking. I missed my weigh in because of the hurricane but hope to have an update for you soon.

    1. steph Post author

      ROTF!! You crack me up with your “run away” comment–you’re right!!! I got your update, and congrats to YOU on making goal! So PROUD of you!!!!

    1. steph Post author

      Thank you! I’m trying to get back into the groove…it’s been pretty crazy around here!! Thanks for stopping by!


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