Super Monday? Eh, Not So Much

      12 Comments on Super Monday? Eh, Not So Much

First off, I would like to welcome all the newcomers to my blog, aka, the majority of my friends and family. 🙂  Yesterday I finally “came clean” and admitted to those closest to me that I actually do have a blog, one that I update quite regularly.  One where I even post—gasp!—my weight! 😉

It was positively horrifying when I first sent out the word, because, well, let’s face it: it’s so much easier to share this kind of stuff with people you don’t know, versus those whose opinions really matter to you.  But, I got some very nice comments in reply, and that boosted my confidence quite a bit.  And now that the stress has settled down, it feels good not to be all secretive about it anymore. 😛

And now, back to your regularly scheduled blog!

Yesterday was Super Bowl Sunday, of course, and I must admit, in the past, it has been known as a special day in our house in which we not only eat pure crap in abundance, we actually thrive on it. 😉  I decided that was not the best plan for this year, especially since my weigh-in day is bright and early Monday morning.  My husband and I did decide we would have a special meal, though, and to my surprise, he choose…lasagna! I was very surprised, because he rarely makes it, but we both enjoy it, as do the kids.  I’ll admit it’s not the healthiest thing, but I did my best to buy lighter ingredients, like ground turkey, low-fat ricotta, and reduced fat parmesan.  The downside was that he wanted to use some spicy pork sausage he had left over from hunting, and there was nothing light about that. 😛

On the other hand, the pork added a nice flavor, and when it was done, it was quite the masterpiece.  So much so, in fact, that for the first time ever, he actually turned to me after he put a piece on a plate and said, “You should take a picture of that.”  LOL, he’s humble. 😉  Actually, it was pretty darn amazing.

When it was all said and done, it was 10 points for one slice, and well, I won’t lie…it was hard to stop at one. 😉 We really should have had a salad with it, as well as perhaps another vegetable, to help fill me up.  I ended up  having 1 ½ slices, and I will admit that it was delicious.  Unfortunately, there are still  about 6 more slices still left in the fridge, and at 10 points each, I’m not sure I can afford that!  I’m sure he and the kids won’t have trouble finishing them off, though. I think next time I’ll look for a spicy turkey sausage to try to cut down the points.

To help me burn off those calories, I did my weight training yesterday afternoon.  Weight training in our house can be fun.  You see, our weight set is in the (unheated and slightly drafty) barn (with the strange roof configuration that leaves a slight opening).  It snowed yesterday in our area, and when I went out to the barn, I found this…

Ha! Isn’t that fun? I just wiped off the snow and went about my exercising, while DS#1 ran on the treadmill.  It’s nice that we can share our Sunday training together…although he likes to goad me instead of support me most days. 😉

This morning I got up and ran 3.5 miles before work.  I was up late posting the hockey photo post, and then stalking my site to see how many of my friends and family were actually viewing it messing around on the computer.  With my late bedtime, it was hard to get up early, but I dragged myself out of bed at 6:45am, got the kids up and settled with breakfast, then did my run.  It was quite cold, but I actually did better than I expected.

Not quite sub-10, but not awful. When it was all said and done, I weighed myself to see how I fared after being back to my goal weight last week.  And the verdict is…

Okay, yes, I was up about a pound.  But you know what—find me someone else who weighs in first thing on “Super Monday” morning and can say they “only” gained a pound! 😉

In other news, as I mentioned last week, I went to the doctor because I wanted to make sure I could confidently allay the fears of my family, some of whom have been worried about my running and weight loss (now maintenance).  Not to mention, Hal Higdon recommends that a person of my…ahem…advanced age 😉 who is training for a half-marathon should probably see a doctor just to be on the safe side.  Today I got this in the mail:

Well there you go then! I don’t even know what any of those numbers mean, but the hand-written note at the bottom was good enough for me. 🙂 That actually did a lot to make me feel better about myself and what I’m doing, and I’m very glad I did it.  One less thing to worry about!

I will end this post with one last picture (because we all know how I am about pictures!!).  It snowed again today—a lot!—and it was just beautiful.  That big, fluffy, white snow that makes for gorgeous pictures.  While I really wished I could have been out in it all day with my camera, I had to settle for this quick shot from my front door while I was heating up my lunch.

Thanks for reading!!

12 thoughts on “Super Monday? Eh, Not So Much

    1. steph Post author

      LOL!! Yes, it was totally scary. And I’m still waiting for my dad to comment. 😉 But that’s a good start–your blog is wonderful and you should be proud of it!!

  1. Jenn

    OMG, that lasagna looks amazing. Something else to put on the list for when I come visit! Congrats on getting the “go ahead” from the doctor. It is important to make sure that you are being sound with your training and expectations. And it sounds like you did a great job during the super weekend, one pound is nothing, just a blip to deal with.


    1. steph Post author

      I’ll tell you what–it WAS amazing!! I will make sure it gets on the list when you come!! I’m hopeful that one pound is just a blip, and honestly, I have learned that my weight fluctuates EVERY week, so it’s pretty pointless of me to think I will ever stay the same. 😛 Love ya!!

  2. Kelly@Sublurban Mama

    What a beautiful photograph! It almost makes me like winter. Almost.

    Congrats on your awesome doctor’s report. You’ve worked so hard – isn’t it gratifying to have it affirmed and confirmed you are doing the right thing?

    Also, the snow on the bench made me laugh. It also made me think that you just earned some sort of Navy Seal merit badge for brushing it off and working out.

    1. steph Post author

      Thanks, Kelly! You made me laugh at the idea that I get a Navy Seal badge for my “intense” snow workout. 😉


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