Running Update

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So, do you want to see my runs for this week?  Well, here they are…

That’s right.  Nothing for the whole week so far! 🙁 I know I need to rest my knee until it feels good, and that’s what I’ve been doing.  Monday and Tuesday, it felt better when I woke up, but by the afternoon, it was hurting again, so I have continued with the complete halt in my half-marathon training plan.

It’s really starting to wear on me, though.  I haven’t taken four days off since I started running almost a year ago!  I think three days off has been my max rest period in that time, actually. While I’m sure my body is enjoying the break (especially since I still have this rotten headcold), my mind is going absolutely bonkers.  To the point where I’m getting depressed.  🙁 I’m not one who gets depressed often, so this funk has really hit me, harder than I would have expected.

One of the the unfortunate downsides is that I can’t seem to stop eating.  Now there’s a winning combination: decreased exercise, increased food intake. :S  I know I need to stop, but I just can’t seem to convince myself at the moment I’m doing it. It’s a really good thing I don’t keep junk food or snack-y type items in the house normally, because if there had been chips or cookies around this week, I would’ve plowed through them in no time. As it was, DS#1’s birthday was Monday, and we had two celebrations for him, which included copious amounts of cake, ice cream, and brownies.  I definitely did not deprive myself, and my scale showed it on Monday morning.

For those keeping score at home, that’s a two-pound gain. 🙁  And that was before the brownies!

I can at least say that I’m tracking what I eat, but I’m getting to the point where I will probably see the infamous “negative weekly points” pretty soon.  (I’ve been tracking every day since November 18, 2011, and I’ve never seen “negative points.”) Unfortunately, my week doesn’t reset until next Monday! 😮 I normally don’t use my weeklies at all, but I do use up all my activity points.  So, I would hazard a guess that I’m not necessarily eating more than I normally would, but I’m not burning off any excess calories, so my overall intake is higher.  And I can say with a certainty that I feel fatter.

But, I need to stop focusing on the negative, right?  I’m trying, really I am.  Or at least, I will, right after I stop stuffing my face with this box of Thin Mints. 😉 (Just kidding…blessedly, the Thin Mints were all gone from the house before my eating spiraled out of control.)  I’ve decided that I’m going to give it one more day, and then tomorrow night, assuming I don’t have a relapse, I’m going to try to run a couple of miles on the treadmill.  Wish me luck!!  I’ll let you know how it goes.  I took Friday off work, so if, Heaven forbid, things go horribly wrong, at least I can prop my knee up all day Friday. 🙂

So now, instead of being Debbie Downer, I will showcase the positive happenings in my life this week.  Monday was the 11th anniversary of the day I became a mother. 🙂  Here is a shot of DS#1 in front of his flaming birthday brownie.

Here he is with his treasured birthday gift…

Yes, we got him an iPod Touch (with an Otterbox to help minimize catastrophies).  We figured that running 6.2 miles was worthy of a really nice birthday gift, as was a report card showing that he’d made “high honors” for his third semester in a row. 😀 We’re quite proud of him, as you can tell.

I’m so proud, in fact, that I created a little video of his 10k training and race.  It’s eight minutes long, but since so many of you have been following along with his story here on my blog, I think if you have the time to spare, you might find it enjoyable.  I used a couple of his favorite songs (the clean versions, lol!), and he was pretty happy with it. 🙂

Thanks for listening to me whine…I will try to be more positive next time!

16 thoughts on “Running Update

  1. Jenn

    Steph, first off – hugs, I am sorry that you are still stuggling with the knee, take care of you. Second, totally awesome video. You are a terrific Mom, just think how great it will be for your DS to have this video to show his kids. Give your DS#1 a huge high five from me. He totally rocks. And your DS#2 is hilarious… I was giggling uncontrollably as well. Hugs and Love, Jenn

    1. steph Post author

      Thanks, babe–it was SO hard not to laugh out loud when he brought the cat in. What a hoot!! Love you!! xoxo

  2. Laura

    Just wanted to pass along that I recently went to the dr for my knee since rest wasn’t resolving the issue. Problem isn’t my knee, but my hips! I too had recently given up strength training because of time constraints- not anymore 🙂 good news is, it should improve quickly once hip exercises are brought into the routine. Hang in there! BTW- I love your blog 🙂

    1. steph Post author

      I’ve been doing a lot of reading and I’m really beginning to think that the strength training was much more important than I realized. 🙁 I’m back at it, though–thank you so much for the kind words and support!

  3. Alison

    I am so sorry your knee is still bothering you, but wanted you to know that that video really made my day – it’s a good thing I have a box of tissues on my desk at work!

    1. steph Post author

      Aw, thanks, Alison. Ha ha, I thought I was the only one who got all teary when watching it. 🙂 Thank you for the support and for reading!

  4. Kate


    Repeat after me: “It’s OK.”

    I know you’re super pumped about your upcoming half and super bummed about your current circumstances, but I promise – it’s OK.
    It’s OK to feel both. It’s OK to be discouraged. It’s OK that you took it out on yourself with cake and ice cream because it’s also OK that you are recognizing you did.
    You are AMAZING, and this is just a little bump in what we all know is a LIFESTYLE CHANGE.
    You are rocking being the new healthier you, and it’s important that you remember it’s not an all or nothing.
    I promise – if you wait until your knee feels amazing to lace up your shoes again, you won’t. And things will change.
    So lace up today, but WALK. It’s so awesome you’re such a fantastic runner, but sometimes it’s OK to walk if it will keep your steps moving.
    Take a walk. Get your water in. Eat an extra vegetable.
    You can do this. You ARE doing this.
    Hang in there – and cut yourself some slack to get back on track.

    Kate {of}

    1. steph Post author

      You are awesome! Thank you so much for all your encouragement. I DID start out by walking, and I am trying to do other things to keep me active. I appreciate your support and advice SO much! I really needed that kick in the pants! 🙂

  5. lisa

    When I had my knee injury my first runs back I really concentrated on keeping my knee straight forward…. this helped me tremendously…. (sounds like something you’d do anyway but I guess not because if I stopped being mindful of it…. it hurt) thru the last of my half training and thru the race itself.

    Good luck hope it goes beautifully!

    1. steph Post author

      That’s a good point–I forgot about that when I ran the other day. I will concentrate more on it. Thank you for the advice, and thanks for reading!

  6. Kelsey

    Just think of how much better it is to recover now and be able to run for the rest of your life! Stay strong with diet and cross train with something THAT DOESN’T HURT! Good luck and get better!!!

  7. MountainHawk

    Happy (belated) Birthday DS#1!

    (I can’t believe he’s 11. I remember adding you to the Due Date list.)

    Hope your knee gets better soon.

    1. steph Post author

      Wow, I had forgotten about the Due Date list!! Time flies, lol! Thanks for the support!! I really do appreciate it.


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