Progress? Maybe?

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Note: The post below was written up early this morning, but I waited to post it until I could get all the pictures finished tonight. In the time since this post was written, I was stunned and shocked to hear of the tragedy that occurred this afternoon at the Boston Marathon.

I simply can’t find the words to properly express my sorrow and horror at what took place, but I want to say that my thoughts and prayers are with everyone who was there, and honestly, with all runners everywhere. I know what it feels like to attend a large running event. I’ve seen the crowds and the excitement and the enthusiasm, and, more importantly, I’ve seen the bond that is shared between runners who might be strangers anywhere else, but who on the race course become friends, even if only for a few moments. Every runner I’ve met has been a good, kind, giving person, and it just seems unreal to me that something so horrible could target a group of people who are so generous of spirit and courageous of heart. May God be with all of the victims and their families at this time. Without a doubt, I know that when the dust settles, the group of people around the world known simply as “runners” will find a way to support those who have suffered loss.


As I mentioned in my last post, I planned my first run after 9 days of rest for Saturday morning. DS#1 was in a hockey tournament this weekend, and he had a game about an hour from our house which required us to be at the rink by 9:30. So, I set my alarm for 7am, figuring I could get in a half-hour run, have time for rest and ice, and then hop in the car with the kids at 8:30.

I actually woke up before my alarm went off—on a Saturday! Does that tell you how much I’ve missed running? 😉 I managed to get out to the barn about 7:10, and I was actually able to run 3.1 miles! I had originally set my goal as 3 miles, but I figured if I couldn’t run a half-marathon that morning, I could at least run a 5k. And I did! My knee actually felt pretty good both during and afterwards. During the run, it was “twingy,” in that it wasn’t hurting, per se, but I felt a kind of pulling or pressure, but on the kneecap, not on the side where my IT band is. I find that very odd…I didn’t think my kneecap had anything to do with it, but who knows how all those bones and tendons connect together. (Not me, that’s for sure!)

Still, it didn’t hurt, so I kept going at a pretty decent pace and completed the 5k.

I was really happy when I was done, but I was also very winded. Clearly, I’m out of shape after 3 weeks off my training program! 😛

When I was done, I had only a little bit of tightness, but not any real pain. I had to do other stuff, so I didn’t get to ice it, but I did put the ice pack on while I drove north to the hockey game. The boys played an awesome game (their second win of the tournament) and then we drove home. And then, because I’m stupid, I decided that since my knee felt so good, I would run another two miles on the road. Man, I wish I wasn’t so damn Type A. 🙁 I just couldn’t stop myself from running more miles, even though I knew it was better to just rest after having run very little over the prior three weeks.

I ran a mile down the road, and it actually felt pretty good until just before I hit a mile. At the one mile mark, I stopped and did some IT band stretching before starting up again. At that point, I knew I had pushed it too far. It really hurt, so I walked most of the way home. I was pretty frustrated, because I had a really good pace going for a while. But, I knew that it would be doing more harm than good to try to run through it, so I just took it easy and did a walk/slow jog the rest of the way home.

After it was over, I wanted a picture for the blog, so grabbed DS#1 and drove him back down the road a ways. (I get sick of the same picture of me in my yard, lol!) He is such a good kid, he didn’t complain at all.

When I looked at the picture, I was really bummed. I know this is going to make a bunch of people roll their eyes, but…I feel like I look so fat in that picture! I know it’s all mental, since I’ve only gained 3 pounds since I stopped running, and the clothes I’m wearing are pretty bulky, but still…ugh. I’m really struggling with the lack of exercise.

On Sunday, we had to be up at 4:45am to be at the rink by 6:30am for a 7:15am hockey game—ugh!! Nothing like dragging two kids out of bed at 5am and putting them in the car. The boys on DS#1’s team did not play well in that game (we’ve determined that they are definitely not morning people, lol!), but we had played well enough in the prior two games to make it to the champsionship that afternoon. We drove back home and I hurried up and did the grocery shopping, then I came home and did some quick strength training. I must say, I’ve been enjoying the strength training more these days. I like the way my body feels when I’m done, and I also like that it’s warmer out there in the barn these days, lol!

For the championship game, we were in the “main” rink at the ice arena, which allowed me to go back and forth behind the benches to take pictures (instead of crossing in front of the parents who are sitting on the bleachers). When I have this opportunity, I just can’t seem to stop myself from running back and forth…I’m always so worried I’m going to miss a good shot when they go from one end of the ice to the other! 😉 The problem was that the running was making my knee really hurt. I finally had to stop taking pictures because I knew I would keep running back and forth and it would do me more harm. That really bummed me out…not running for exercise is one thing, but now my knee problems were affecting one of my favorite hobbies. 🙁

I wasn’t going to run this morning, but I woke up and felt pretty good, so I decided I’d try to run a couple of miles on the treadmill, and actually STOP right then if it hurt. I started out at a pretty slow pace, maybe 10:30 or 10:20 I think. But—and here’s where we finally get to some good news—for the first quarter mile, my knee didn’t hurt or feel tight AT ALL!! This was a huge step for me, since it has had some kind of “oddness” to it for the last three weeks when I’ve run. This was the first time I thought to myself, “Huh. My left knee doesn’t feel any different than my right. Wow!!” I’ll be honest, over the last three weeks, I’ve really worried that I’d never say that again!

It did eventually get tight around the knee cap, and then my IT band started feeling a bit pained, but it wasn’t until almost 2 miles in. And then, believe it or not, I actually stopped.

See that? I stopped before I hit two miles! And didn’t start again! That’s a huge accomplishment for me, because I’m anal enough that not getting to an absolute even number drives me crazy. But I’ve finally overcome my OCD tendencies on running mileage. Yay me!

I weighed myself this morning.

This is down about a pound from two weeks ago, but basically about the same as last week. I’ve really been struggling with the number on the scale these last three weeks, because I had been so happy to be steady in the 113ish range. But I finally determined this morning that I need to come to terms with the fact that 115 is my new “normal,” at least until I can get back to running. So, I’ve set my Weight Watchers tracking tool back to “maintenance” (I had put it in weight loss mode after gaining 3 pounds) and I’m going to try not to be so stressed about my weight. Eventually, I will get back to running, and then I’ll get back to my goal weight!

So for now, that’s where I’m at. My mood swings are pretty rapid these days, going from up to down to up, all based around how my knee feels. I’m trying to remain optimistic, though, and have hopes that there IS a half-marathon in my near future (at least, nearer than the one in September that I had already planned on but was definitely NOT planning to be my first half!). Thanks to all for the well wishes and kind words. I really do appreciate it!!

And as always, thanks for reading!

6 thoughts on “Progress? Maybe?

  1. Jenn

    I thought you and all the folks I know who run today. My heart goes out to everyone. To those that were lost, to those who step up to help, and those that wonder what is happening to our world.

    I am glad that your knee is getting better (slowly but surely). I am glad that you are making small strides toward running again and that you are listening to your body and not pushing yourself too hard.

    You are awesome, babe!

  2. Kelsey

    So glad you got to run a little! Also LET YOURSELF HEAL! That’s an order! 🙂 Also, don’t stress about your weight! You are beautiful, just take note and make a little healthier choices!

    1. steph Post author

      Thanks, Kelsey! I’m really trying hard to not let my weight bother me. I just can’t WAIT until I can run again, because I now realize how much I relied on the extra calories I burned!! Thanks for reading!


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