“Sporty” Week

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Such a busy week I’ve had!  And of course, it all revolved around my kids and their sports. 😉

Spring hockey is officially over in the Loud Redhead household—woo hoo!  Don’t get me wrong, you all know I love watching my boys play hockey (to a fault, perhaps ;)), but after 10 months of driving all over kingdom come for practices, games, tournaments, etc., I’m ready for my 2-month summer break.  🙂

We had DS#2’s end-of-season hockey party on Wednesday, and that was one of the projects I was working on last week—the CD of photos for each family.  Besides editing and publishing the pictures, I really wanted to have them all tagged with the kids’ names.  Alas, because this team was new to me, I don’t know all the kids by face, gear, skating style, etc., so it proved to be an impossible task.  Instead, I just put all 1000 photos on a disk, sorted by game, and made 15 copies for the parents to cull through at their leisure and search for their kid.  Believe it or not, that’s actually a pretty small amount of pictures for me, compared to what I take during the Fall/Winter season. I felt bad for not personalizing it, but they were all very appreciative nonetheless.

My next project was to do the pictures for DS#1’s team.  For this team, the total is about 3200 pictures. (They had almost twice as many games as the younger kids.)  There’s no way I can fit all those pictures on one DVD, nor would I want to ask parents to go through all of them, searching for their kid, so I’ve spent every spare moment of my life tagging these photos for the last week.  I finally finished tonight—yay!!  Now I just need to make an individualized DVD for each family, but since we don’t have our party scheduled yet, I’m ahead of the game on that one. 🙂

Besides all those picture projects, we had a hockey tournament this past weekend for DS#1, as well as a ton of baseball.  In fact, in the four days between Thursday and Sunday, that poor kid had three hockey games and three baseball games!  He even played catcher for 4 innings in the hot sun!  But he was a trooper and never complained.  He actually had a pretty good weekend, too…well, unless you count the little “incident” with a referee during game one.


He and the ref had quite a conversation after he supposedly punched a kid from the other team (I was right there, he didn’t punch anyone…it was just a light tap at best. ;)) I told him no more arguing with the ref. 😛

On Sunday, he had a baseball double-header, and he played very well.  He is not the greatest baseball player, and for some reason, he’s very insecure when he’s at bat.  He “goes down looking” a lot because he is so hesitant to swing at the ball.  On Sunday, though, he found some gumption:  he hit a single, a double, and had two RBIs!  The double was especially impressive—he really slugged it!



I keep telling him that he has the power to be a Prince Fielder if he’d just swing the bat.  I think he’s starting to believe me.  He was quite happy on Sunday. 🙂

With all this talk about my kids’ sports, you might wonder if I’ve been doing anything to keep in shape.  Heck yeah, I have!  As a matter of fact, this girl knocked a major milestone off her list last Saturday morning:



Ten miles, baby!  My first double-digit run!!  My pace is hard to gauge, because I had to do the first 5 on the treadmill while I waited for my husband to get home, but it doesn’t really matter, because the point is—I ran 10 miles!  My knee was sore, but not enough to stop me.  After I was done, I had to rush to the ball field for a 9am game, and then I had to drive 67 miles (one way) to a tournament hockey game.  It was a long day, let me tell you.  But I enjoyed my “treats” afterwards.



On Monday, I had a hard time getting out of bed at 6am.  I had quite the internal struggle before I finally dragged myself downstairs to run.  And after all that, I ended up having one of the best runs of my life!



Four miles at a 9:26!!  That’s almost my best four-mile run, but considering my best run (9:24 pace) was pre-knee-injury, I think I did pretty darn well.  When I was done, I did that thing I always think I’m going to do when I’m trying to finish a run, but rarely do in actuality:



Yep, I collapsed on the grass in front of my house. Thank goodness it was early and none of my neighbors were up to see me. 😉

If you’re curious to see how my weight has fared this week, well, don’t get too excited:



Yippee. I lost a whole 4/10ths of a pound. *eyeroll*  I’m still struggling mentally with the stupid scale, but I feel good (dare I say, even thin!), so I’m going to just let it go for a while and maybe wait 2 or 3 weeks before I weigh myself again.  I need to stop focusing on the number, you know?

I still have one more project I’m working on (yes, pictures!), and then I’ll tackle my next big project: my blog!  I’ve got a few planned updates that I’m kind of excited about, but they’re not quite ready for prime time yet. 😉  You’ll all be the first to know when they are!

Thanks for reading and for all the support!

8 thoughts on ““Sporty” Week

  1. Jenn

    I am exhausted just reading your post, Steph! Kudos to your DS#1 for his at bats. I can’t believe you ran 10 miles, you are superwoman. I am glad your knee is feeling better and you are able to accomplish what you want. Keep up the great work and awesome job at maintaining, a definite step in the right direction. Hang in there and kudos to you!

    1. steph Post author

      Thanks, Jenn! I don’t feel like Superwoman. I just feel tired. 😉 Thanks so much for the great support!! Love you!

    1. steph Post author

      Aw, thanks. I was SO mad that I didn’t bring my real camera for that game. Wouldn’t you know it!? Thanks for the support!!

  2. Kelsey

    You’re dedication is so inspiring! Between kids’ sports and injury recovery and you’re putting in your longest runs ever! 10 is one to celebrate (I think they’re all for celebrating). You are doing amazing!

    1. steph Post author

      Thanks, Kelsey–I feel like they’re all worth celebrating, too!! Thanks for commenting!


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