Unrealized Potential

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So guess what I did yesterday? Think you can guess? Maybe…maybe not.  The answer is…

I registered for my second half-marathon!

In all fairness, I had actually committed to my friends Renee and Jessica that I would run this with them back in January or February. But committing to it verbally and actually signing up for it are kind of different. 😉  I was committed, but after I injured my knee in March, I was unsure if I could actually do it.  Doing the Dexter to Ann Arbor Half was my determining factor…if I could finish that, I felt confident I could do another one in 3 months.  When I not only finished it, but finished it faster than I ever expected, I knew I was ready.  So yesterdau, I signed up!  I probably would have done it the day after my half, but I had to wait until I had the *choke* eighty bucks for the entry fee. (Dude.)

I was perusing the site last week and I was excited to see that there would be pacers, since I’d had such good success with them during my half and also during my son’s 10k. Since I finished my first half in 2:16:17, I thought I could set my second goal finish for 2:15 (the original pacer I had tried to stick with).  Well, of course…they only have a 2:10 or a 2:20 pacer.  Ha!  So much for sticking with a pacer, right?

I started training on Monday, but I can’t deny I wasn’t feeling very enthusiastic. I hadn’t found a plan that fit what I needed.  I had successfully followed the Hal Higdon Novice Marathon program, and I really liked it.  It had a great mix of runs, cross-training and strength training.  I would have followed the novice program again happily, but I wanted to try to get faster. The Novice 2 program was kind of blah…run, run, run, 4 days a week.  😛  But the Intermediate, while offering the speed work I was looking for, also required running 5 days a week.  Oh my gosh!!

I was feeling really frustrated, and then on Monday, I remembered that my friend Katie had recently become a certified running coach.  When I’d taken her photos last month, she mentioned that if I ever wanted help designing a training program, she’d be happy to help.  So in desperation I emailed her, and she was really great! She sent me a questionnaire that delved into various aspects of my likes, dislikes, and goals (about running, ha ha!).  The survey asked what my goal finish was for the half marathon, and I explained my dilemma with the 2:10 versus 2:20 pacer.  I wanted to be faster than 2:20, but I wasn’t sure if I could actually do 2:10! Katie sent me a note back almost immediately, telling me she thought I could totally do a 2:10.  That excited me…if an experienced runner and running coach thought I could do it, well then…it must be possible! 😉

Katie then crafted an awesome plan for me with that goal in mind.  I was really excited to get it, because it was all the things I wanted—some strength training, some speed work, and only 3 runs a week with an optional fourth. Truly perfect for me!

I was enthusiastic about getting started…well, until I saw that speed work was the next thing up for me, since I’d already done Monday’s run.  The speed work was kind of daunting:

“3 x 800s – Run 1 mile warm-up at easy pace. Then run 1/2 mile at 8:32-8:58/mi pace. Walk or jog lightly for 1/4 mile. Repeat for number of times listed.”

Oh my. Half a mile in the 8:32-8:58 range? *gulp*  For those who’ve been following me for a while (God bless you!), you might remember that I attempted intervals back in the fall before the Free Press Marathon Relay.  I was able to do them successfully, but they were hard.  I remember being absolutely exhausted when I was done. (You can read all my whining in my posts from October. 😉 )  When I went back to look at my stats from back then, I was a bit nervous: my average split was right around an 8:00 minute mile, but that was over only a quarter mile!  And that was working absolutely the hardest I have ever worked in my life.  I hated intervals back then, just because they were so, so difficult on me.  I laughed at Katie when she emailed me Wednesday nights, “Don’t start out too fast!”  Yeah, like that would happen. 😛

Yesterday morning I woke up and greeted my husband (who was just going to bed, ha!).  I was really anxious about the intervals, but I knew I had to get them done, so I headed out before sunrise.  I ran the first mile at a very comfortable pace (10:39) because I was intent on reserving all my energy for the dreaded interval splits.  I figured that, based on my splits from last year that were only a quarter mile at a time, I would need every ounce of energy I could muster to get into the eight range for a whole half a mile.  At least the weather was on my side.



Now that’s great running weather!

When I finished my warm-up mile, I hit my lap key and then took off as fast as I possibly could.  It was as hard as I remembered!  But I kept going—I knew exactly how far a half mile would be, so I just sucked it up, Buttercup. 😉  It was pretty dark when I started, so dark, in fact, that I couldn’t see my Garmin without aid of the backlight.  The backlight is kind of a pain to bring up if you’re in motion, and especially if you’re in fast motion, so I did almost the entire half-mile without any guidance at all.  Right about the time I got to the end, I was finally able see my pace, and I almost fell over…it was about a 7:50!  I was so amazed! And then I was like, “Why am I working so hard!?”

Right about then, it was time for me to stop, so I gratefully stopped and walked for a quarter mile.  When my next interval started, I worked just a bit less hard than the first time, but once again, when I checked again, I was still in the sub-8 range, and I remembered Katie’s warning not to go too fast, so I slowed down again.  I felt okay, and when I had my second rest, I only walked for a few moments before I decided to just jog instead.  I knew I needed to be tired when I was done, and I honestly was still feeling not so bad even after two intervals.  I started the third interval at a much slower pace than the first two, which turned out to be a bit too slow, so I sped up toward the end. For the last rest break, I jogged nearly the whole way, and then, for the half-mile cool-down jog, I went at a moderate pace, slower than my best pace, but faster than my earlier warm-up mile.  I was feeling surprisingly good on the cool-down, and was able to really enjoy the beautiful, quiet morning.



When it was all said and done, and I had a chance to look at my splits, I was truly amazed:



I could not have been more surprised—after having worked so hard last year for those ¼ mile intervals, where I felt like I was dying, I was amazed that I could keep such a good pace going for a ½ mile.  It was the first time I had concrete evidence that I really am getting better—and faster!! It made me feel so good! It also gives me some real hope that I can accomplish this 2:10 half-marathon goal in September.

I’m so glad I decided to ask Katie for help with my training plan.  Yesterday’s run was a great boost to my self-confidence, and now I’m (almost) excited to try intervals again on Monday (my normal interval day from here on out).  I say “almost,” because, well…I was told by my “running coach” that I need to set my interval goal pace a little faster than originally thought.  I haggled a bit with her before we settled on the 8:12-8:32 range. 😉

I’ll report back on Monday and let you know how it goes.  Meanwhile, I will be relaxing in the pool this weekend as much as possible. 🙂  Thanks for reading, and I hope you have a wonderful weekend full of fun and relaxation, too!


12 thoughts on “Unrealized Potential

  1. Jenn

    Wow, Steph, totally impressed. It amazing to read about your training and your progressive improvement over time. With your determination and your awesome new coach, I am sure that you are going to keep pace at your next 1/2 marathon. Keep up the great work!

    1. steph Post author

      Thank you, babe!! You are truly great and I really do appreciate your support…come visit me some time so we can eat fat free ice cream and go to a baseball game together. 😉 xoxo

  2. Kelsey

    1. Jenn always posts before me.

    2. I think you should shoot for a sub 2 hour. I’m not full of smoke! You’ll aim for 2:10 and end up getting sub 2!

    Also, I am planning on copying a lot your training runs. I got a 2:18:something in my half and am really hoping for a sub 2.

    When are you running your second? I couldn’t see it! Mine is not until October so I’m just going to have to speed up! Right now you’re faster than me…so hopefully I have more time to train!

    1. steph Post author

      1. I don’t actually know Jenn. She’s a stalker that I can’t get rid of.

      Ha ha ha, just kidding, Jenn!! Love ya!! 😉 But yeah, she is a good friend and uber-supportive!!

      2. A sub-2 hour half? Hold on a minute while I think about…no, forget it, let me just laugh now: Ha ha ha ha!!!!!! Someday I will shoot for that, but I want to start out realistically and I think that a 2:10 goal is a BIG jump for me already! But I promise it will be my goal one day! And by the way, I am NOT faster than you!! I was looking at your Half race report, and your time was very close to mine but your elevation was KILLER compared to mine!! So I think we’re pretty close, if not you being a little bit faster. 🙂 Oh, and one more thing: it’s not a contest!!! 😛 But if it was, we all know I’d win, right? 😉 Just kidding…thanks for motivating me!!

    1. steph Post author

      I’m feeling much more confident now than I was even after my awesome DXA2 finish!! (Awesome for me, lol!) I’m so excited–we’re going to have a blast!! 🙂

  3. MountainHawk

    Sometimes the best motivation to keep going is to realize how far you’ve already come.

    Good luck with your next half-marathon!

  4. Tina

    Hooray for a great run! I’m so happy you registered for another half. I’m THINKING about attempting one on Thanksgiving day?!? You are a total inspiration!!

    1. steph Post author

      Thank you, Tina!! You are an inspiration to me, too!! And reading about your experience helps me understand what one of my family members is going through (she had the same thing done). Thank you for stopping by! And good luck in the half-marathon planning!!

  5. Lorenda

    Are you going to be running with your two friends? That always makes it more fun.
    If you do the training, you will be able to hit your goal! Which half are you doing?
    I’m making your crockpot chicken taco recipe today!

    1. steph Post author

      I don’t know if I’ll be running “with” them, but we’ll all be there together, lol! They’re much faster than me, so I’ll be happy to bring up the rear. The half I’m doing is the Chicago Half on 9/8/13.

      Thanks for stopping by!


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