Welcome Winter (Or Not)

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When I got up for my Saturday morning run this past weekend, it was a balmy (ha!) 15 degrees.  The winds weren’t awful, at least, so I braved the cold and went for my planned 8-mile run.  Not that I’m following any kind of plan at this point, but it was what I had in my head, so that’s what I went with.

It got up to 16 degrees by the time I got out on the road, and that’s cold enough that I decided to actually bundle up for this run.



Don’t I look lovely? 😉 The sun wasn’t even up yet when I started, as you can tell from the dark picture.  It eventually did come up, and then it was a clear if not exactly warm morning.

I ran slow but steady, averaging a 10:48 for what ended up being 8.5 miles due to my route not being perfect right angles. I can honestly say that, for the first time in a while, my fingers never actually warmed up during the entire run. It was that damn cold! It was hard to get beyond the frigid temps to even try to enjoy the run, but just after the sun came up, it started snowing lightly, and it really was beautiful.



That picture is almost not worth posting, since it doesn’t do the scene justice.  You can’t see the light little snowflakes that were glistening in the sun as they fell.  Suffice it to say that it almost—almost—made the freeze-run enjoyable. 😉 I actually managed a slight smile when I was done.



It stayed cold on Sunday, but I had to get my twice-a-week strength workout in.  That doesn’t sound so bad until you realize that our weight set is in the barn. :S Let me tell you, it’s fun doing bench presses when it’s 23 degrees. There was no one to take a picture of me, but I assure you that I was the epitome of exercise fashion as I worked out in my orange hat, red gloves, and double layers of every clothing item. 😉

I then spent the majority of the afternoon in the hockey arena for both sons’ games. (Both teams won in good, close games—yay!)  I had a surprising amount of energy, so I ran back and forth pretty hard taking pictures.  I love those games where the teams are evenly matched and our boys can come out on top.

I had great intentions to make a sensible, low-point dinner on Sunday to prep for my Monday morning weigh-in, but after spending so much time Sunday in the cold, I caved to the temptation of comfort food and made my favorite White Chicken Chili. The chili wouldn’t have been so bad had I not been forced (yes, FORCED, I tell you!) to make homemade bread along with it.  Oh, the bread tempts me so. I ate two full slices, and from past experience, I know bread attaches itself to my body and won’t let go for a while. 😛

After weighing in last week at 116.2, I really, really wanted to be in the 115s for this week’s weigh in.  I even got up and ran 4 miles yesterday morning (it was up to 29 degrees!) in hopes that it would help, but alas, when I finally got on the scale, the result wasn’t what I’d hoped.



Aw, shucks.  I guess I can be happy that I’m still below 117, right?  I’m seriously debating rethinking my goal (again) to 117, so that I would stay in the 116s.  We’ll see what happens this week.  Nothing like trying to lose the last pound and a half during the holidays! 😛

I’m hoping to catch up on my comment replies and blog reading this week (and Christmas shopping, and hockey picture processing…), so that’s all for today.  Tomorrow I plan to go weigh in at my meeting and see what the word is about the “new” Weight Watchers program (which, if you’ve been a forever-member like me, probably doesn’t look all that new to you…).  I’ll let you know if I learn anything earth-shattering in my next post.

Thanks for reading—hope you’re having a great week!


6 thoughts on “Welcome Winter (Or Not)

    1. steph Post author

      I tell you what, it isn’t a ton of fun, but the feeling of accomplishment when I’m done is pretty good. Worth the cold? Weeeeeellllll… 😉 Thanks for stopping by!

  1. Jenn

    I am shivering just reading your update… My WW meeting on Tuesday was cancelled as we had a snow day off. I am not encouraged by current habits, busy making (and partaking) of holiday sweets and I haven’t been excited about “healthy” eating. Produce is not looking good and I really just want comfort food. Hang in there and love you. Give the boys high-fives on their games, way to go!

    1. steph Post author

      Healthy eating is so hard at the holidays…you’re right about produce looking blah. And soft, warm bread is so inviting this time of year… 😉 xoxo

  2. Lorenda

    If you have e-tools you can download the new booklet called Simple Start. It’s a bunch of meals that fit in the Simply Filling plan. New members are getting it but present members won’t get it (the print version) until the last week of the year.

    1. steph Post author

      Thanks, Lorenda! I actually did finally get the print version of it and perused it. I agree with you that it seems like a “Simply Filling” kind of thing. I’m not much for being given a meal plan, but I know they need to “reinvent” themselves every year to keep current. As long as they don’t take away my free fruit, I’m good!! 😀 Thanks for stopping by!


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