I Hate Donuts

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That is the biggest lie I’ve told since…well lies that I can’t speak of in case certain people read my blog. 😉

The truth is, I love donuts. Donuts are one of those things that can trigger me to eat like there’s no tomorrow. You might remember that a few weeks ago, when we had a stop at the Cidermill, I couldn’t resist the donut.

Today at my work, they had an employee appreciation event, to thank us for our efforts toward giving to the United Way. And what do you think they would serve, but doughnuts! Since the meeting room where they had all the donuts was just steps from my desk, it was extremely difficult to resist. And let me tell you, there were a lot of donuts to resist.



Yeah, multiply that box times 10, and you’ll understand the depths of my temptation.    I could not pass them by (they were free!), so I had one. Unfortunately, they were not small like the ones of the Cidermill. And I didn’t just get any do, I got a big cake donut dipped in chocolate. Oh my, it was good!

But then, after I ate it, I looked up the points. Seriously, six points?! My whole breakfast is usually six points! At that point, I was feeling really down. That post-temptation regret, that comes with realizing that what you wanted, wasn’t really worth it.

Don’t get me wrong, the donut was very yummy, but at this time of year, I don’t need the extra points. It just seems like every time I turn around, there’s more food in front of me. My kids had a Christmas concert last night.  Aren’t they cute?



But they couldn’t just have a concert. Noooo, they had to have up cookie reception afterwards. And really, who doesn’t like cookies? Freaks, that’s who! 😉

Between the sugar cookie I had last night, and the donut I had this morning, I was feeling like big fat cow. Am I a big fat cow?  No, of course not. But it’s hard to get over that feeling when you’re feeling guilty. I got some support via my friend and WW compatriot Jenn, but it was still a challenge to overcome the guilt.

On the bright side, today I were a blue scarf. Why is that a good thing? It’s not because I was feeling like a fashionista. I wouldn’t know fashion if it came and slapped in the face. Actually, fashion probably SHOULD come slap me in the face, for as many times as I’ve probably offended it. 😉

I’m not a big scarf wearer, but it seems like everybody’s wearing scarves these days. And by golly, it’s damn cold out there lately!  So I combed through my closet this morning and found an old scarf someone and given me as a gift I don’t know how long ago. To tell you how rarely I wear scarves, the only other time I can remember wearing the scarf is it at my 38th birthday celebration (and I’m not in my thirties anymore). I remember it because there’s a picture floating around of me wearing it. I remember it being particularly unflattering, as far as I felt very fat in that picture. So I went out and found the picture today.



Every time I saw myself in a reflection today, I remembered that picture, and it did feel good not to be that girl anymore. In fact, it felt pretty darn good to be this girl:



Quite a difference, I would say. 🙂

So, I’m trying to take everything in stride, and keep it all in perspective. One donut will not kill me, but a lifetime of healthy habits will definitely make all the difference. So I’m going to put the donut behind me (or perhaps ON my behind, which is more likely where it will actually end up),  and move on with my week.

Tomorrow morning, I’m scheduled to run 8 miles on my new training plan. Not normally a big deal for me, but it’s supposed to snow and be windy in the morning, and I have to be done by 9:30 to get my son to the Christmas program rehearsal at church. I’m not looking forward to it (the run, not the Christmas program), but I’m going to do my best to get out there and try. Starting a new training program in the middle of December is probably not the best idea. :p Our temperatures have been ridiculously cold this week, so if you don’t hear from me anytime soon, it’s probably because I’m frozen out on the road. 😉

Thanks for reading, and remember, if we can just stay the course and get through the hardest days of December, we’ll be a step ahead of the pack on January 1, right??

12 thoughts on “I Hate Donuts

  1. Jenn

    Thank goodness I don’t qualify as a freak! I love my sweets. Fortunately, I am horribly picky about doughnuts, but I still get tripped up by my fair share of sugar temptations. I always make buckeyes for the holidays and I actually delivered most of them on Friday. I had to get them out of the house, I was eating all of them, uncontrollably and each one is 4 points! *sigh* I also missed my WW meeting last week because we had a snow day. It is amazing how much I rely on my WW meeting to help ground me and jumpstart my motivation for the week. Hang in there, Steph. I know it is going to be a hard couple of weeks, but we are going to do our best to be mindful and enjoy the holidays.

    1. steph Post author

      Picky about donuts? Not me! Although I definitely have some I like more than others. 😉 Now the buckeye thing, I can totally skip. Maybe it’s the fact that they’re associated with something I hate so much. 😉 Ha ha ha, are you going to stop being my friend for that? 😀 We’ve gotten through the holidays now, so hopefully you’re back on track. Text me and let me know how it’s going!!

  2. Dena

    awww…I think the scarf looks great :0) I gasped when I saw the difference between the two pics…I was just telling my friend that today. One mess up will not derail her plans. She’s pretty worried about maintenance. She also does WW and is about 2 pounds from goal. After preaching to the choir encouraging her today I schemed up some changes for my blog :0)

    Hope the run went well!

    1. steph Post author

      Thank you! Still not a scarf person, but the difference in pics is pretty surprising! 🙂 I’m glad you were there to help support your friend…you are so right!! Looking forward to more excitement from your blog in 2014!!


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