The No-Title Post

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{1/19/15: I just looked at my site and couldn’t figure out why this post had a number for a title.  Turns out, I forgot to give it an actual title in my rush to put it up last Friday night, lol!}

Thank you to everyone who offered supportive comments from my post from earlier this week. I can’t deny that this 10 pounds is really been frustrating me for many months. I appreciate the suggestions, and I have been thinking about getting one of those body fat scans for a while, I just need to figure out where to go to get one! I did take some measurements and pictures before I started my marathon training, so hopefully I’ll see a difference after 18 weeks.  Unfortunately, I could definitely tell a difference between the pictures I took earlier this month, and the ones I had taken a couple of years ago when I hit my goal weight and bought my first two-piece bathing suit. And not a good difference either. 🙁 I don’t plan to post those pictures, because…well, I just don’t want to.  And, it’s my blog, so, you know…I don’t have to. 😉

I was rather dismayed to see that the new measurements were not flattering either. I’ve gained an inch in my stomach and an inch in my hips. Seems unlikely, but I believe it, because I can definitely feel a difference in my pants. That’s actually been my biggest frustration: my pants are all tight. There is no more wearing those size fours that I bought two years ago (there’s a post about it somewhere here, but I can’t find it 🙁 ). Even the size sixes I bought earlier in the fall are starting to feel uncomfortable. What the heck!? My work pants feel tight all the time, and it’s really discouraging. I want to do something different, but I’m not sure what. I’m going to try the suggestion of eating more greens, as commented by Kate on my last post. (However, I will not be putting lemon in my water, or water in my lemon, ha ha, because I while I do love water, I hate when it’s flavored!)

Anyway, I will stop whining, but I did want to say thank you to everyone for the support. I will keep trying!

On the bright side, my marathon training is going pretty well. On the schedule this morning was a 6 mile run–at pace. :/ Considering that I have to be done with my weekday runs by 6 AM in order to get the kids out of bed and on the bus in a timely manner, I was not overly enthusiastic about getting up super-early and running at race pace for 6 miles. :p On top of that,Jamie had a late hockey game last night.



The good news is, they won, and one of Jamie’s teammates even had a “natural” hat trick.  Talk about a happy kid!


By the way, in case you’re like me and you wondered what the hell a natural hat trick is, and if there is such a thing as a “unnatural” hat trick, let me educate you on what I learned last night: when a player scores three consecutive goals, with no other goals scored by other players in between, that is what they call a “natural” hat trick. It was pretty cool, and quite impressive.  And helped lead us to a 5-1 win!

But with all that excitement, we didn’t get home until 10 o’clock, and you can imagine how hard it was to get up at 4:15.  But I did! And not only did I get up and run 6 miles, I ran it on the road, and at a little bit below pace!



I won’t lie, it was really hard to get out of bed this morning at 4:20am, but I did it, and I felt so good afterwards. In fact, I felt surprisingly good during almost the entire run. It was only after I got to about mile 4 1/2 that I suddenly found myself doing an 11:06, when my race pace is supposed to be in 11:04. I was astonished, because I felt like I hadn’t slowed down at all. It might’ve been the wind, or maybe my body just caught up with me, but the last mile and a half were a little tougher than the first 4 1/2. The first 4 1/2 actually felt pretty awesome!  After I was done, I got home, got the kids on the bus, and then cleaned up and rushed off to work.  I was rewarded with a lovely sunrise!


So, despite my weight frustrations, I have some good things to be positive about. I have to go to bed early again tonight because we have a hockey tournament all weekend with JJ. However, on top of that, I have an 11-mile run scheduled for tomorrow. The rink we’re going to is about an hour from our house, so that means I need to be done with my run by about 8:15, so that I can shower and be ready to go out the door at 9:15.  And, considering my long run pace these days is around a 12-minute mile, that means I need to be out the door by about 6 AM.

Which begs the question, why am I not in bed yet?! 😉

Thanks for reading!

3 thoughts on “The No-Title Post

  1. Kate

    Keep on keeping on + love every ounce of you, lady. You’re one amazing marathoning mama – don’t let that scale get the best of you. xo, Kate


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