That Crazy Redhead

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I did something full-on crazy yesterday: I signed up to run a half marathon.

On Sunday.



That’s two days from today. WTH is wrong with me?!

I don’t know, but I’m pretty sure that I need therapy or something. I did it on a whim, after a friend, who really isn’t even that close of a friend now that I think about it (ha ha, love you Meg!), mentioned that she would be running it and was a bit dismayed that she would have to run it alone. That’s reason enough to run 13 miles on short notice, right??

The race is the Monroe Half Marathon, which of course is practically in my backyard. If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you know that I ran the inaugural version of this race two years ago, and had a great race.  That race remained my PR for almost 2 years, until I was able to finally break it in September. I remember it being cold and extremely windy that November day, and I remember struggling really hard to come in under my goal of 2:10, but I did it.

I’d thought about running this race pretty much all year, because I really enjoyed running through my adopted hometown. (I’m not actually from Monroe, but we moved here about 14 years ago, and it’s home now.) Monroe is a fabulous city, and for the history geek that I am, there is so much to enjoy. We’re kind of famous for General Custer and also for having a big role in the War of 1812. (Oh, and Kay Lani Ray Rafko Wilson.) (Who was actually famous almost 30 years ago, but got a burst of celebrity this past summer thanks to the current host of the late show.)

Anyway, there is so much history here, I really did want to run the race, but after my half marathon in September, I felt like I was done for the year with long races. I knew that if I signed up for another half marathon, I would want to push myself and try to have another PR, because I’m just competitive with myself like that, but I really didn’t WANT to do that. Because then, when I invariably didn’t have a PR, I would feel let down, and that disappointment would stick with me all winter.

But then, on Thursday, my friend mentioned she was running it, and I could tell she was sort of down about running it by herself. And let’s be honest, it’s more fun to run a race with friends! I joked with her that I should sign up for it, and she hinted that her pace would probably be a nice, fun run for me.

And the next thing I knew, I was signing up to run 13.1 miles in just 2 1/2 days!

So, now I’m at the point where I’ve suddenly determined that I have to actually run a race on Sunday, and my whole attitude has changed. The good news is, I don’t have to run tomorrow morning, which was going to prove very difficult anyway, due to a class that Jamie is taking way out in Novi at 8 AM Saturday morning. So, yay, no 4 AM wake up call. 🙂

Now, though, I have this pressure of knowing that I actually have to run 13.1 miles on Sunday, and considering the longest run I’ve done since September was 8 miles (just last Saturday), well, I’m just not sure how this will all work out. I’m nervous, and hoping I didn’t bite off more than I can chew. But I’ve tried to sustain myself with the knowledge that I have still been running consistently five days a week, even if the runs themselves weren’t very long. I’m hopeful that I have enough endurance built up that I can run 13 miles on Sunday at an 11-12 minute pace without feeling like I’m going to die. I definitely don’t want to feel like I’m holding my friend back. 😮

Yesterday was my rest day , so I didn’t run. I am really beginning to dislike my non-running days, because, well, I get less calories! This proves to be challenging sometimes, especially last night. It was parent-teacher conferences, and I spent two hours talking to teachers, or waiting to talk to teachers. And, unfortunately, they had cookies available by the plateful. I ended up having two cookies, which tasted good, don’t get me wrong, but I didn’t really need them. I actually went in the back and found the box they came in to check the calories, and I was dismayed to learn that those two cookies were 340 calories! that took a big chunk out of my already limited calories for the day. 🙁 Since I hadn’t eaten dinner yet, that meant when I got home, I didn’t get to eat much of the delicious Mexican dinner my husband had whipped up. I’m hoping that I remember how disappointed at having to eat less of the good, wholesome chicken, vegetables, corn tortillas, and Spanish rice the next time I’m tempted to have cookies before dinner. :/

I ran 3 miles this morning, in some seriously windy and rainy conditions. (And we all know how much I love to run in the rain. :/) The winds were sustained at 15 mph, and gusting up to 25, which made it very interesting, to say the least. Normally, Fridays are my speed work day, but I was kind of glad that I had an excuse to go slower this morning (running a half marathon in two days), because going fast would’ve been challenging.

As I was running through (and cursing) the rain this morning, I did have to marvel at how quickly things can change. Just two days ago, I was doing an easy run to prep for my “speed work Friday.” Who knew that speed work Friday would turn into “last run before the half Friday”? :p

And to take it one step further…who knew just four years ago this month, when I first decided to start getting healthy, that I would become a person who signs up on a Thursday to run 13 miles that Sunday. Heck, if you had told me back then that I would be that person, I would’ve laughed in your face. And then I would’ve told you, “I am not a runner, and I never will be.”

Ha ha, famous last words. 😉

Thanks for reading!

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