Summer Living

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Yes, I’m still alive, and doing just fine, in case you were wondering. I actually almost forgot to do a post this week, because I’ve been so busy trying to milk every possible summer moment for all it’s worth. I’ve spent a lot of time in my pool this year, which has been very enjoyable.


That was me after my Tuesday morning interval run, which was hot and humid as hell, thankyouverymuch. It was so humid, in fact, that I got to the point where I had to actually slow down on my intervals, because my heart rate was going too high! I honestly think part of that was just a faulty heart rate monitor, which was pretty much confirmed the following day, when my heart rate went close to 200 while jogging at about a 13-minute per mile pace. :/ I guess that’s what I get for trying my “new” heart rate monitor.

At any rate, we had a nice holiday weekend, which included a trip to a (distant) family reunion that I probably should’ve just skipped, and plenty of time with my boys. I decided to do my long run on Saturday at the Metropark, because I’ve been getting sick of going up and down my road. I even got there early to see if I could snag some good sunrise pictures, hoping to find one to enter in the fair later this month. I think I may have succeeded!

IMG_4114aIMG_4117aIMG_4143a IMG_4132a

Now I just have to choose! If you have a favorite, please let me know, because I am really struggling! 🙂

The run itself was good, much better than the one the previous week, mostly because I started  earlier, and I wasn’t dealing with the sun beating down on me. Sunday was a relaxing day, and Monday was holiday pancakes and bacon (I had extra buttermilk, so why not, right?) and of course the parade. After that, we had hamburgers on the grill with salt and vinegar potatoes on the side. It was a perfect Fourth of July meal!

I waited until Tuesday morning to weigh in, figuring I should see what damage my holiday eating had caused. I actually didn’t do too bad with my food choices, but I was kind of worried about the amount of salt in those potatoes on Monday night. However, I was pleasantly surprised when I stepped on the scale Tuesday morning:


Down 1.4 pounds! I’m betting that the half-marathon training program has probably helped, since I’m doing more running now, and at a faster pace, than I’ve done in about six months.  It feels good to be quite a bit closer to my goal weight of 120 than I was even just a few weeks ago. Summer is always a difficult time for me, so I figure as long as I’m within 3 or 4 pounds, I won’t complain.

Now, if you will excuse me, it’s 90° outside, and I have a pool calling my name! 🙂 Thanks for reading!

4 thoughts on “Summer Living

  1. Cindy R

    I vote for Photo A. I love the glowing orange reflecting onto the water. It’s been super hot here in Albuquerque– high 90’s and low 100’s. At least it is a dry heat and we don’t have to deal with the humidity.

  2. Deb

    First time commenter, long time reader. I love all the photos. The colors in A are striking, but something about B I really am drawn to. Maybe it is the contrast of the dreamy morphing of the pastel colors in the sky with the defined geometric blackness of the guardrail on that long gentle curve of the waterline. I can’t put it into words, but it makes me want to be there. Good luck!

  3. Meg B

    A is beautiful. But, is B a recognizable part of you rMetro Park? If it was something people are fmailiar with it might be more popular. It’s a lovely photo of a lovely area.

    Too bad about the heart rate monitor. What do you mean you don’t get up to 200 at a 13 minute mile pace hahahha


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