One Week Post-Thanksgiving

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Remember last week when I gained over 4 pounds? Yeah, me too.  That sucked. 

I was really hoping that weigh-in was an anomaly, a fluke brought on by too much sodium-filled food over a holiday and tournament weekend. (Dude, a holiday and a hockey tournament? Double your pleasure, double your food-related stress.)

I did my best to stay on track last week, but it wasn’t as easy as I would’ve hoped. I had something going every night: hockey practice, the awards event for my husband, an away hockey game on a Thursday night, a Nutcracker ballet in which my friend’s daughters participated, another hockey game on Saturday, and then yet another game all the way up in Flint on Sunday. I’ve eaten out more in the last two weeks than I think I have the entire rest of the year! And if it wasn’t eating out, it was eating so late that I found myself snacking on things like popcorn and cookies before dinner, when I would normally be eating healthier. 

So, yeah, not a great week, food-wise. I did get my runs in, a total of 19 miles for the week. I’ve certainly had longer weeks, but I’m not training for anything currently, so I’m only doing 3- to 4-mile runs, with a long run on Saturday.

So, all in all, I would not say I made the best choices this week. And I think the scale reflected that.


Yes, that’s down 1.4 pounds from last week, but since I was up over four the week before, I don’t really feel like that’s much of a success. Maybe what it tells me is that my holiday weight gain wasn’t quite the anomaly I thought it was. But still, a loss is better than a gain, and although I’m frustrated with being 6 pounds over my goal, I’m going to keep plugging along. There are no meals out planned for this week, thankfully! 

Something else that happened as a result of my being so busy last week: for the first time in 4 1/2 years, since I became a Lifetime member at Weight Watchers, I did not weigh in last month. 😮 I can’t even tell you how much this bothers me. The reality is that I didn’t skip my weigh-in intentionally. Although I did gain at my home weigh-in last week, I’m still within my Weight Watchers “cushion.”  The problem was that I simply ran out of time. My meeting location is down to just two days a week when they have evening meetings. since I work during the day, I can’t make the multiple morning meetings they offer, so I have to choose either Monday or Wednesday night. With two kids playing hockey, it is challenging, and I always seem to be rushing in to weigh-in and rush back out. 

I could have gone the night before Thanksgiving, but Jamie had hockey, and I was doing a picture retake for one of his teammates, so I decided to just wait till the following Wednesday, the last day of the month. Since I have to weigh-in each calendar month, that was cutting it really close. Not that I haven’t done that before! Unfortunately, when Wednesday night rolled around, I was just about to get in the car to go to Jason’s award ceremony when I suddenly realized that I was supposed to go weigh-in. Shit!  I totally forgot that I had the award ceremony when I decided to postpone it, and now it was too late.

So, for the first time in something like 54 months, I didn’t weigh-in last month. 😮 I honestly don’t know what will happen when I go to weigh-in this month. I suspect that even though I will be below goal, they will probably still make me pay the meeting fee, since I missed last month. 🙁 That totally pisses me off, because I hate doing stupid things that cost me money, and that definitely qualifies. I haven’t had to pay since June 2012! Oh well, nothing to be done about it now. I’ve decided I’m going to hold off and wait until next week, to see if I can get my weight back under control a little.

Anyway, enough about my stupidity. Let’s talk about something really happy. 🙂 By now you know that I have two kids that play hockey, and if you’ve been paying attention, you know that they are both defensemen. If you know anything about hockey, you know that defensemen typically don’t score goals, or at least, not nearly as often as the forwards. Don’t give me wrong, my kids get their share of assists, but they just don’t score goals very often. I think Jamie has scored maybe five in his hockey career, and JJ scored one goal, back in February 2014, but unfortunately has not scored since. I’m not too concerned about it, because as I tell JJ often, “That’s not your job.” But I knew it bugged him a lot. He’s my little competitor, and goals = good. 

I’m sure by now you’ve probably figured out where this is all going, but just in case you haven’t: 

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That’s right, on Saturday, JJ scored for the first time in almost 3 years! It was actually a really sweet goal, too, and a lot of the parents commented on just how great it was. Here’s the video if you’re interested. Ironically, one of the dads asked me on Saturday as I was putting up the Go Pros what I do with the video after each game. I told him that sometimes I send it to the coach if it’s requested, but mostly I just put them up because I figure one day, my kid is going to score a goal. Good thing I put it up on Saturday! 😉 

As you can see in the pictures, his teammates were as happy for him as he was. So, even though the team ended up tying that game on Saturday, it was a great day for JJ. I was so proud of him, and he was so proud of himself! 

We had another game in Flint on Sunday, and as I dragged the Go Pros out again, one of the parents joked that now I’m going to have to make sure I video every game, because JJ might score again. And…

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As I stood there on the glass, trying to snap as many pictures as I could when I realized that JJ had scored for the second time in two days, my exact words were, “Are you kidding me?!” 😛  

Let me tell you, I had one happy kid this weekend. 😀 Even Jamie was proud of him, and that’s saying a lot, coming from a competitive older brother who plays the same position in the same sport. 😉 

Thanks for reading!

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