The End of the Road

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Yep, that’s where I was today.  And here’s what it looked like when I got there.

That’s right, baby…I ran to the end of my road this morning!!  And since my road is two miles long, and I still had to get back home when I got there, the simple math calculations tell me that I must have run…wait for it…

FOUR MILES today!!!


Yes, I am ridiculously excited and proud of myself for this. 🙂  I can’t help it,’s just such a great feeling! 😀

I got up at 6:40am for the run (up early! again! me!!!), because DS#2 had a 9am t-ball game (who schedules a 9am game for 6-year-olds on a Saturday morning?!).  Normally, I like to do my long runs away from the house, because it makes them more interesting, but with our tight schedule, I knew my best bet was to just go down the road and back.

When I staggered downstairs, the first thing I did was check my weather station.

It was cold.  Damn cold. And damn windy.  Ugh.

The kids were up by this time (remember being a kid and getting up early on Saturday mornings to watch cartoons?? I do!), so I asked DS#1 to have a glass of ice water ready for me in about 40 minutes.  Then, when I stepped outside at about 7am, the cold air really hit me.  Dude.  But I had on my Under Armour compression gear, long-sleeved top and capri bottoms (with safety pins), so that covered me pretty well. I started my Garmin, and off I went!!

My original goal for today, according to the Hal Higdon 10k training program, was 3.5 miles.  However, I am actually a week behind for the 10k I’ve signed up for (it’s July 8th), so when I started out this morning, and found myself feeling pretty good, I decided I would shoot for four miles.  I mean, what’s another half-mile, right? 😛  I kept my pace very slow.  One thing that Hal’s program stresses is that you should not try for speed at all during your long runs.

 There is no advantage to going fast during your long runs, even for experienced runners.

I liked this advice a lot…I am very competitive by nature, so the way that he put this was kind of giving me permission to go easy on myself and just relax and do the run. I really think that’s what helped me get it done, to be honest.  I took it slow and easy, not watching my time too much.  I enjoyed the ability to just relax, listen to my music, and let my thoughts wander. I won’t say I solved all the world’s problems on my run today, but I did  plan out my day pretty well. 😉

At one point, I idly wondered where my turn-around point would be, since I’d never gone that far before.  And then I had a forehead-slap moment when I realized–duh! My road is 2 miles long and I need to turn around at 2 miles so…the end of the road.  That actually got me excited!  I began to think about how I never, ever thought I would be walking to the end of my road, much less running there–and turning around and running back, lol!  At that point, I became determined that I would meet this milestone.

Because I started at my own driveway, instead of starting at the actual “beginning” of my road, when I got to the end, I actually had to go past the intersection and into the driveway on the other side, and even that wasn’t quite 2 miles.  But when I turned around, it was like…well, I don’t know how to describe it other than to say it was just a very good feeling.  I seem to always feel that way when I do my out-and-back runs.  Once I’m on the way back, things just seem easier.  Of course, the fact that the wind was now at my back probably had something to do with it, lol!

At that point, I sped up a bit, just because it felt comfortable, and I was in really good spirits.  As I ran, I waved at my neighbors driving by, the paper lady, even the garbage man, lol! I couldn’t believe how energized I felt–I wasn’t gasping for breath, I wasn’t dying for it to be over–by God, I was actually having fun!! 😀

When I got to the 3 mile mark, I sped up even more, and after a moment, I looked down at my Garmin to see what my pace was.  Instead, what I saw was the fact that I was at exactly 3.1 miles.  This astonished me–that’s the length of a 5k, and all I could think was how I felt when I did my last (only) 5k on Mother’s Day.  Back then, at 3.1 miles, I was so ready to be done.  Today, at 3.1 miles, I felt great!  What a difference just 3 weeks and regular, consistent training can make!

I will admit that at about 3.5 miles, my left knee actually started to hurt a little bit.  Not enough to make me slow down, but just enough that I noticed it.  Still, I kept going, energized and excited because–OMG, I was about to finish a four-mile run!!  I would say it was right about at 3.5 miles that I felt like I was in the “zone.”  I was totally into the run, feeling good (despite my knee), and it was just comfortable, like I could go at that pace for another full mile.  What a great feeling that was!

I ran past my house and turned at the corner before hitting 4 miles on the Garmin.  At that point, as I stopped, I actually threw my arms up a little and said, “Woo hoo! Four miles!”  Luckily, none of my neighbors were out that early to see me. 😉

Here are my splits.  I just love seeing four full laps on the chart. 😀

And holy crap! I just realized that I actually averaged below an 11-minute mile for the whole four miles.  Wow!!  I would not have guessed that I could do that for that long.  😀 <–me with a big grin after seeing that. 😉

Here’s my timing.

Pretty steady except for a few spots. (One of them is undoubtedly the spot where I had to adjust my pony-tail because my hair kept getting in my face!)

After it was over, I walked in the door, and guess what I found waiting for me?

Man, I am blessed with the best kids.  🙂  DS#1 also came out and took some pictures of me.

We posed the last one, because I wanted a running shot, but I was still able to give a big smile, even after running four miles.  That’s how happy I was!  And, honestly, even though it was more than 12 hours ago, it still feels great.  😉  It is truly a tremendous feeling of accomplishment, and the fact that I physically felt great afterwards makes it even better.  What a joyful blessing!!

Before I finish, I would like to ask a question of any runners who are reading.  This was something I thought of during my run…I don’t ever eat before I run (unless I am forced to do it in the afternoon). I am never hungry when I wake up, and it usually takes me several hours before I eat breakfast.  I also don’t drink anything, but that has more to do with my post-childbirth bladder. 😛  This morning, though, I began to think that maybe I am missing out on some pre-run fueling by not eating.  However, I can’t picture myself running with anything in my stomach, because I worry that it might get upset.

So, if you are a runner, do you typically eat before you run? If so, what do you eat, and how long afterwards do you wait before doing the run?

Thank you for reading my run report today!

16 thoughts on “The End of the Road

  1. Gina, book dragon

    not a runner but when I was exercising regular and hard I couldn’t eat anything for at least two hours beforehand. Two different trips to the trashcan and I learned my lesson. A Banana afterwards in the car on the way home so I didn’t stuff myself when I got there.

    Everyone is different, waking up two hours before a 5k race just to eat right away didn’t work so I’d do half a bagel and cross my fingers.

    1. steph Post author

      Thank you, Gina! I REALLY like the idea of having something small in the car on the way home! What a great, easy idea! I also like the half a bagel before the run. I’m a big carb girl, and I wouldn’t be surprised if that would be okay for my stomach before a run. Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting–I really appreciate!

  2. Robbie-Lynn

    First off I totally hear you about the post childbirth bladder. When I run in the mornings I try to have something very light. Half a banana and a little natural peanut butter has been my go to lately. I am celiac so bread products are out for me. If I eat my normal breakfast or normal meal right before running I am asking for a very upset stomach. I once went for a long run after eating a bunch of cookies, I threw up twice that run. No fun. Really every runner has to find there sweet spot for type and timing of food. If you start to feel that your legs are hurting and heavy you may need something before you run to help fuel it. Just my 2 cents. I love reading your blog by the way.

    1. steph Post author

      LOL, sooo, glad I’m not the only one with post-childbirth issues. UGH! Sometimes I swear I could run all day if not for that. 😉 I like the idea of a bit of banana and peanut butter–fruit and protein are good, right?! The cookie story made me a little nauseated just reading it. 😉 Thank you so much for stopping by, Robbie-Lynn! ROTF at your blog name!! 😀

  3. Marcia

    If I eat before I run, it has to be several hours prior. I can’t eat and then run otherwise I want to puke the whole time. A couple of other running friends told me to eat at least 45 minutes before I run (something with protein or carbs for fuel) but I found that was even too soon to run after eating. :/ It’s just one of those things you gotta figure out yourself, I suppose.

    Congrats on your four miler! That’s terrific! And as always, your pace is outstanding!

    1. steph Post author

      All this talk about puking before runs scares me, lol! So far I haven’t had that issue…I agree with you, though. At some point I’ll have to figure it out, if I’m going to do longer runs. So far, so good, though! Thanks for stopping by, my friend! 🙂

  4. Tina

    Way to go on your big run! I’d love to say I could do 4 miles straight right now but I still need to walk every other minute or so for a 5k.

    I can’t eat first thing in the morning but I do have coffee before I run. I’m way too cranky without it but I constantly worry about having to pee! The longer your runs get, I would investigate some sort of gel or gummy fuel like GU to keep you going out there!

    1. steph Post author

      Thanks so much, Tina! I like your ideas and I’ll have to investigate it. And OMG, I’m so glad I’m not the only one who worries about bladder issues during runs, lol! Thanks so much for stopping by!

  5. Tina

    Congrats on the 4 miles. That’s awesome. I’m doing a couch to half and I wake up at 5:00 am to train. I use to eat nothing bc I get dresses and head to the gym. Now that I’m running longer I have to eat half of a banana or I feel like I’m not gonna finish my run. I’m a little afraid to try eating anything else bc right now that’s working. Congrats again on your 4 miles. I enjoy reading your blog.

    1. steph Post author

      Couch to HALF? Wow!! That’s incredible, Tina!! Thanks so much for your input…I appreciate hearing the different viewpoints on eating before runs. Please keep me up to date on how you’re doing–what a great goal! I’m excited for you!! Thanks for stopping by and reading.

  6. Jenn

    Congrats, Steph! You have really come a long way. I am so proud of you and so grateful that you have the support of your boys. Keep up the great work. 10K here you come!


    1. steph Post author

      Thanks so much, Jenn! I really appreciate you stopping by to read my blog and keep up to date–I love being able to share this stuff with you, because I know you get it! I also very much appreciate all your support. xoxo

  7. Jen

    I’m still trying to figure out the eating thing. Most of my running happens on Sat and Sun. I do one long run one of those days. This past Sunday was 6.5 miles. If I do anything over 5 I bring Gu with me. I will say this, I’m a pretty picky eater and the chocolate outrage Gu tastes just like chocolate frosting!!! Now if only it was cold like eating frosting from the tub in the fridge. LOL. I had a peanut butter Gu this weekend and while it tasted just like PB, I really wanted to chug some water after. I don’t generally eat just straight PB, so I’m sticking with the chocolate. My trainer advised me to eat a simple carb like a fruit with some almond butter before running. I did that with Strawberries once. I didn’t notice that it helped. Maybe I ate them too close to the run. But I get heavy leg syndrome. LOL Where I feel like I gained 50 lbs during my run. I don’t know if food will help with that or not. Right now I’m struggling with knee pain after I run so I’m not sure how my running career is going to play out. I just started in January and I don’t want to stop yet!

    1. steph Post author

      I like the idea of eating fruit and something like peanut butter (I’ve never seen almond butter, but I’d be interested in trying it!). I’ve heard of the Gu, but I must admit I worry about even trying it. I am not a big sweets person, and the thought of having something that tastes like chocolate frosting before running just freaks me out–that just doesn’t seems like it would sit well with my stomach! I think for my longer runs in a few weeks, I’ll try the fruit/butter mix. I’m going to look for almond butter!! Thanks so much for stopping by–I’m so impressed with your 6.5 mile run!! Good luck with your pain…hope it gets better!

  8. SlimKatie @ Runs for Cookies

    To eat or not to eat… definitely a debatable topic for runners! 😉 I much prefer not to eat before running in the morning–I feel lighter and I don’t get stomach problems. When I started training for the marathon, I thought I would “have to” eat before a run, because our runs were so long. But after experimenting, I realized that I just do whatever feels good for ME, and screw what everyone else thinks. So maybe you could try eating beforehand, and see how you like it. But if you don’t want to, then don’t! 🙂

    CONGRATS on the four miler!!

    1. steph Post author

      Thank you, Katie! It really is a tough topic, but I think you’re right–I’ll just try it and see how it it goes! Thanks for commenting!


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