Cross-Training, Running, And Pizza

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I’m trying very hard to keep up with all aspects of my 10k training program.  The runs are actually the easy part–I actually look forward to them, and I enjoy the way I feel after I do them.  Crazy, right?! This from a girl who swore just 3 months ago that she’d never run. 😉

Doing the “other” stuff on the training program is more challenging.  Yesterday was a cross-training day, but by the time I got home from DS#1’s baseball game and had dinner, I was feeling unmotivated.  However, reading a post by Christie at Path for the Half motivated me to get off my ass and I went for a 3 mile bike ride.

So, progress!

Speaking of dinner, let’s talk about it.  I try not to talk about food too much, because I don’t want it to be that important in my life, but tonight I want to talk about…pizza.  God, I hate pizza. I don’t hate it because I think it’s the most awful tasting thing in the world (in my life, that award goes to orange roughy).  I can tolerate the taste if I have to.  I hate it because the taste is never, ever worth all the fat, calories, and Weight Watchers points that it costs.

Most of the time, I refuse to eat pizza…I have been known to sit in a room full of people, watching them eat pizza, while I drink a glass of water. (Pizza parties are, sadly, common at my work.)  But it happens that I live in a household with three males who absolutely love the stuff, so unless I want to starve or cook (and I dislike both of those things), I do, sometimes, have to eat pizza.

This has been especially true lately, since we’ve had a lot of baseball games and my husband never seems to be organized enough to plan dinner around the games.  {eyeroll} We got pizza last night, for the second time in a week. Ugh.  Last time, when my husband said he was going to the pizza place after the game, I asked him to get me “something healthy.”  To me, that meant a salad.  To him, it meant a thin-crust veggie pizza. {sigh} At least he knew to leave off the feta cheese! I did eat it, but it just felt very “heavy,” with lots of cheese and too many olives, and my stomach was very upset afterwards. (It has been a long time since I had pizza!)

Last night, I ended up doing the ordering.  I could’ve gotten a salad, but I just wasn’t in the salad mood.  So, this time, I made some special requests: I asked for half the cheese, a sprinkling of the olives, and still no feta. (You should have heard the lady who took the order…”Really? You only want half the cheese? And no feta??”)  This is what it looked like:

It wasn’t spectacular, but it was better than the last one.  I like the thin crust much better than the regular, but it’s still pretty high in points, and unfortunately, it still upset my stomach.  God only knows what would happen if I ate a slice of plain old cheese and pepperoni!

So, after my second foray into the world of pizza in a week, I woke up this morning at 5:40am for my normal Thursday run.  I was very motivated for this one–if nothing else, I wanted to work off the pizza!  I decided that if I could do a sub-10 minute run for 3 miles, with all the obstacles I had to overcome on Monday, there was no reason I couldn’t do a sub-10 for an easy two-miler. And I did!

It was tough in spots, but it felt really good afterwards.  And I even got a surprise visit…

He should look nervous if he doesn’t stay away from my garden. 😛

I’m really starting to enjoy these early mornings, before the rest of the world is awake.  One of my family members will probably be having me admitted to a hospital shortly. 😉

Though it was tough, I did force myself to do my weight-training tonight.

I used to really love the weight-training, back when I first started doing it 12 years ago.  Now it just seems like such a hassle–three reps of every exercise, and having to switch out weights and move things around.  That’s the nice thing about running…you just put your shoes on, and you go!

And finally, my day ended on a very good note…I can’t remember if I told the story about how I put a hole in the pool liner last fall (surprised my husband didn’t divorce me back then), or the resulting challenges my husband encountered in trying to order all the stuff needed to protect the new liner from a repeat of my stupidity.  I had hoped he’d have it in by Memorial Day (when it was 92 degrees), but the cards were not in our favor.  After two weeks of waiting, a lot of rain, and some tense moments when I was sure I would have to buy a new pool…

Hooray!!  Let summer begin!!

Thanks for reading!

14 thoughts on “Cross-Training, Running, And Pizza

  1. Jenn

    Happy Summer, Steph! Unfortunately, I love pizza and I can’t pratice portion control with it. And living by myself it is hard to order a pizza and not eat the entire thing. Kudos to you, Steph for being a rock in the face of cheesy tomatoey goodness.

    1. steph Post author

      Portion control and pizza don’t mix–if you really wanted to “control” the portions, you’d have to eat just one piece because it is SO fattening!! That’s a big reason why I hate it so much. I LOL’d at “being a rock in the face of cheesy tomatoey goodness”–you crack me up!! xoxo

  2. Andrea

    I love reading about your running. You have come such a LONG way from when I met you in March. You are doing such an awesome job!!! Keep it up! And have fun with the pool open! Summer adventures are the best!

    1. steph Post author

      LOL, that’s right, I forgot that you and I met when I walked that 5k and you ran the half. It HAS been quite a journey since then!! Thanks so much for the motivation and support!

    1. steph Post author

      It seems like pizza is a favorite of a lot of folks–not sure how I got missed with that gene, lol!

      Wish you lived closer, I’d invite you to swim in the pool! 😉 Thanks for reading!

  3. Robbie-Lynn

    Wow your pizza actually looked great to me. Only I can’t really eat pizza anymore (no dairy or gluten for me). Great run! I am so impressed that you do strength training. I keep trying to get into it, I really need it, but I never do it long enough to make a habit of it. I am with you. Running is so simple and great. Lol

    1. steph Post author

      Simple and great–I don’t think I would have ever thought I’d agreed to that statement, but I do! LOL! Thanks for stopping by!!

  4. Ang

    I’m so impressed with your pace for being a fairly new runner! (If I’m reading that correctly? You just started running in March? Awesome!) Sub-10 seems like a fantasy to me LOL. Someday I WILL do it! I may only do it once because it very well may kill me but I WILL do it 🙂

    1. steph Post author

      Thanks, Ang! I had to go look, and actually, my first-ever run was on April 15th–I can’t believe it’s only been 7 weeks! Seems like I’ve been doing it forever!! But with all the walking I did before that, I think I built up a pretty good endurance and that made the running easier. You CAN do it, too!! And it won’t kill you, I promise. 😉 Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting!!

  5. Tina

    I WISH I hated pizza! When I lost 100 pounds last time, I was young, single and ate out a lot. I would get spinach and mushroom with no cheese and it was delicious. People couldn’t understand pizza without cheese so I just said I was allergic to dairy 🙂

    Your running is totally impressive and inspirational!!!

    1. steph Post author

      Ha ha, I LOVE that idea! Next time I ask for no cheese or no “anything”, I think I’ll say I’m allergic to avoid the hassle. 😉 Thank you for stopping buy and commenting, Tina!!


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