Weigh-In Monday…on Tuesday…or Wednesday 

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A long time ago, I used to weigh in on Fridays. Why? Well, because that meant I could be a little less diligent about my eating over the weekend! Unfortunately, I usually ended up being a lot less diligent. And thus continued my do-good-all-week-and-blow-it-on-the-weekends-so-start-over-on-Monday cycle.

At some point during the last five years, I hit upon the idea to weigh myself on Mondays. I think that was when I finally got serious about losing weight, because I accepted the fact that I couldn’t slack off anytime during the week and still expect to lose weight. And, amazingly, once I figured that out, I lost weight!

These last several months, I’ve slacked off again. Not that I wouldn’t weigh myself on Monday; I still did. The issue was that I didn’t always accept the weight, (because it wasn’t always good), and then I would try again on Tuesday. And then sometimes I would try again on Wednesday. And sometimes, it would work: a day or two after my initial weigh-in, I would be down a little, or sometimes a lot. However, as I’ve been adjusting my thinking this past week, I came to realize that I need to stop messing with the scale, and get back to only weighing in once a week, on Monday. (But just realize that even though I may weigh myself on Monday, I may not get around to posting it for a day or two!)

And so, here is this week’s Monday weigh in:

I won’t lie, that was kind of a bummer. I felt like I did well this week, but I had a rough beginning to the week, because I skipped  run due to some hip pain. (I went to the chiropractor and it’s all better now!)  Hopefully, it will all catch up with me next week. And of course, I have to look at the bright side: I didn’t gain!

Here are a few positives from the last few days to round out this post:

I hate Tuesdays. Ha, that’s not very positive, is it? 😉  But I only hate them until I finish my run, because Tuesdays are speedwork days. When the run is over, I feel all energized and invigorated. 😀 This morning was another opportunity to challenge myself, and I’m happy to say I was up to it. And that includes the challenging weather:


Hoo-doggie! That’s some cold air! And to think I actually debated whether or not to wear a jacket when I went out! I did wear the jacket, as well as gloves, but I’ll have you know I ran in shorts…at 35°! A hardy Michigan girl, that’s me.

Today’s speed work was 10 minutes warm-up, 2 miles at race pace (9:39), 2-minute recovery (jog or walk), 2 more miles race pace, 2 more minutes recovery, and a 10-minute cool down. Katie considers this a “key work out,” because you’re going at race pace for an extended distance. My first couple of key workouts went really well, so I was actually feeling pretty confident about this one. It was harder than I expected, though! I felt like I really worked for this, but even though I struggled at times, especially in that third race-pace mile, I did it!


I walked the entire first recovery, but I only walked about 30 seconds of the second one, because I was running short on time! When I was done, I felt so accomplished, especially when I realized I had run 6 miles before work! 🙂

Here’s my other positive from this week: last night, the boys and I went for a rare dinner out. Jamie’s hockey team was having one of those fundraiser nights at Buffalo Wild Wings, where you get 20% of the cost of your meal donated towards a charity, in this case, Jamie’s team. Normally, I avoid Buffalo Wild Wings, because 1) I’m not a wings fan, 2) if I’m going to splurge on a burger, I’m going to get one from a restaurant that really does them well (Bagger Dave’s), and 3) their salads are just kind of blah, in my opinion.

My kids, on the other hand, think that Buffalo Wild Wings is the greatest restaurant ever. I think it’s a team sport thing, because every hockey team we’ve ever been on has gravitated towards BW3s when we are at tournaments and looking for places to eat. But since it went towards a good cause, I figured I could eat one of their salads.

Knowing that this event was coming up, last week I purchased a gift card through the school, which benefits both the school and me. It was supposed to come home with JJ, but somehow it got lost in the 12 hours between the time I ordered it and the time that it was sent to the school office.  :/ That was Friday. She told me she would send another home, but that had been the last one, so it would have to wait until next week, after their order came in.  I told her I couldn’t use it after Monday—I rarely go to that restaurant! 🙁  She apologized but there wasn’t anything she could do.

Just in case, I called them yesterday afternoon to see if they’d found it. They had!  But…it was too late to send it home with JJ. Aargh!  She asked if I still wanted it, and I said not if I can’t get it today. She was still in the office, so I sent my husband up to the school to get it.

I got home, grabbed the kids, and we headed out. First we had to stop and order some spirit wear for Jamie at a local sporting goods store. While I was there, I realized I forgot the damn gift card! 😛 It was going to drive me crazy to spend money and not use the gift card (plus, I knew my husband wouldn’t be happy that I made him make an extra trip for nothing), so I drove all the way back home and got it.

Finally, we went down to Buffalo Wild Wings and had dinner. They had a new salad on the menu, Honey Barbecue Chicken, so I figured I might as well give it a try. She asked if I wanted the sauce and dressing on the side, and I said yes, that would be great! Unfortunately, the cook missed the part about the sauce being on the side. Not the end of the world, though, because they actually didn’t put very much on. Unfortunately for Jamie, though, they messed up his order much worse than mine…there was no chicken on his buffalo chicken macaroni! The waitress was very apologetic, and offered to fix mine as well as Jamie’s.  I told her mine wasn’t a big deal, but Jamie really needed his chicken. She was extremely on the ball, and before I even had my salad cut up, she was back with his corrected order.

Here’s what my salad looked like:


I added the little bit of barbecue ranch dressing on top, but you can see from the little cup they gave me that I didn’t add very much. And honestly, it didn’t even need it! That turned out to be one of the best salads I’ve had in a long time! It was very low in carbs, but very filling at the same time. I really enjoyed it! In fact, I couldn’t stop exclaiming over it the entire time we ate, and I continued to exclaim as I paid and we went out the door. And I exclaimed about it some more on the drive home…until, I stopped in midsentence and shouted:

“Oh my God!”

The kids were all panicked: “What?! What’s wrong?!”

“I forgot to use the f’ng gift card!”

Both kids got a panicked look on their face, and Jamie hesitantly asked, “So…do we have to go back?”

“No, we’re not going back! That opportunity is lost.” But then I looked at them very sternly and said, “DON’T tell your dad.”

Of course, they promised not to, because they know that that just means they get to go to Buffalo Wild Wings again in the near future. 😛  And I guess that means I get to eat that yummy salad one more time. 😉

I hope you have a great week, filled with all kinds of positive things, and less boneheaded mistakes than mine. 😉 Thanks for reading!


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